- Overview
- (+ earlier Reports)
- New Reports
- (+ new Pictures)
in Deutsch
Hot News - January 2006 (January 10th, 2006)
- Website statistics: In December we were able to
welcome on our website 30'241 visitors
from 108
different countries who did 484'103 hits
(November = 31'584 visitors (= record) - 114 countries - 531'544 hits)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On December 28th, we entered our152nd country Vietnam. The permit from Hanoi for the
- vehicle import was ready at the border; simultaneously we were assigned a Vietnamese
license plate. Our
- first impression of the incredible masses of motorbikes and the never ending rice fields
along the highways is
- still prevailing. Ho Chi Minh City - the earlier Saigon - is a real inferno during rush
hours: On six lanes
- uncountable motorbikes are rolling through the city, accompanied by the unavoidable
pollution; there is
- nearly no space for cars and none at all for pedestrians left. It's estimated that there
are about 4 millions
- against a population of 7 millions.
- We spent New Year in Mui Ne, a nice little beach resort between dunes and the sea, about
125 miles
- North of HCMC (Saigon).
- While the Thai people showed to be rather reserved towards car travelers, the Cambodians
were more
- curious. However the Vietnamese are similar to the Indians if it comes to curiosity and
encircle our car
- immediately wherever we stop. Unfortunately, any further going conversation is mostly
hampered by
- linguistic problems.
- Liliana is "hopping" bravely with her plaster dressing and her crutch.
Although it's easily possible to get
- accustomed very quickly to the now unavoidable hotel accommodation, sightseeing has
become a real
- big problem.Unfortunately, since a few days the now normally dry season in Vietnam
turned into a light
- but never ending rainy period, what doesn't ease the situation.
- On July 7th, 2005, we were able to celebrate after a journey through
150 countries the car's
- 600'000th Kilometer - very prosaic
in front of the post office in Cayenne/French Guiana.
- Are you interested into the LandCruiser History, prepared
by Toyota Motor
Sales USA?
- (after some loading-time please klick
afterwards "HAIR TO MAGELLAN"
- - and you will see that we already belong to it too!)
New Reports/Pictures
- (Oct. - Nov. 2005)
- (September 2005)
- (September 2005)
Hong Kong
- (September 2005)
+ added from a
earlier visit to the USA: |
Las Vegas (Millennium change) |
+ added from our Arabian
Peninsula round trip: |
from Yemen (May-June 1996) |
+ Flashbacks of
our Worldrecordtour: |
from "all the continents" (Oct. 84 - April
97) |
+ Follow-ups
about Toyota-Experiences: |
Encounters resp. "Ups + Downs" with Toyota Companies
since 1982 |