- Overview
- (+ earlier Reports)
- New Reports
- (+ new Pictures)
in Deutsch
News May 2007 (Dili / Timor-Leste, May
21, 2007)
- Website statistics: In April we were able to
welcome on our website 30'741 visitors who did 748'302
(March = 30'844 visitors
??? countries*
784'599 hits)
Record days since 12/17/1998 - the birthday of our website:
2/19/2007, 2'518 visitors and 293'778 hits
(*= the
country counter, which stopped working March 23, 2006, has still not been repaired by the
Goldnet - frustrating! - usually there were monthly between 100 and 118 different
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Since our last "News" on April 25th, we were able to visit not only two more
Indonesian islands, but even a new
- country: Timor-Leste, the 156th. On April 27th, we left the island of Flores on our 8th
Indonesian ferry for seven
- hours to the island of Sumba. As we experienced during the following week, Sumba is
really (still) a "titbit". The
- people live mostly still the traditional way of life, but also its landscape is very
fascinating . On May 4th, we sadly left
- this very beautiful island due to our Indonesian stay expiring soon.Unfortunately, the
shipping connections from and
- to Sumba work only on a weekly schedule. But Sumba became definitively No. 1 in our
"Indonesian hit list".
- After two tiring sea journeys of 17 hours each, which both went through the whole night,
and after a stopover on the
- small "forgotten" island of Sawu (Sabu), we reached Kupang, the capital of the
Eastern Nusa Tenggara province.
- Being rather a dusty, characterless accumulation of about 200'000 people, situated in
the Western part of the island
- of Timor, we wanted to await there the outcome of the Presidential Elections in
neighboring Timor-Leste (the earlier
- East-Timor). Luckily, the situation remained calm. Therefore, on May 15th, one day
before our six months
- Indonesian permit ran out definitively, we entered our 156th country Timor-Leste in its
enclave of Oecussi. Shortly
- before, President Ramos-Horta has surprisingly been elected without new unrest.
And Oecussi proved to be a real treasure. Actually, nobody knew exactly whether an exit
from Indonesia and an
- entry into this part of Timor-Leste the more with an own vehicle was
possible at all for a foreigner. Amazingly,
- nobody seemed to be bothered by our intention, although most probably no foreign tourist
car ever crossed this
- boundary before. Shortly afterwards, we are surrounded by pure nature: Rugged, sparesely
forested mountains, an
- adventurous track and finally the turquoise sea bordered by untouched sandy beaches. But
also the locals welcome
- us full of enthusiasm, waving, often even bowing. Suddenly, we feel like being in
paradise. But this paradise is poor,
- very poor! There are practically no public transports, no motorbikes, even no bicycles
in Oecussi the only
- transport is on foot. In the hot tropical sun, everybody from school kids to
grannies is walking for hours up the
- hills and down the mountains. Very simple straw huts are lining the tracks with roaming
chickens, goats, cows, pigs,
- dogs and water-buffaloes, anything which can be eaten. The water has to be brought in
buckets from a well,
- sometimes from pretty far away. There is electricity only in the evenings for six hours
in the main village; road
- maintenance doesn't exist, rubbish neither, as there is not much to buy. While even in
the whole of Timor-Leste with
- a population of over one million only 4% know what Internet means, Oecussi itself with
about 60'000 people has
- one Internet station may this still be paradise? We are not sure, particularly if
we look at the average life
- expectancy: 52 for men, 54 for women! Is this the reason that Oecussi has the world's
highest fertility rate
- (8.4 children every woman)? And besides: Only 43% of individuals aged 15 and older can
read and write!
- When we reach Oecussi-"Town", a village with about 5'000 inhabitants, the new
ferry vessel, donated recently by
- Germany as economic aid, lies on shore; there is no pier. This now twice weekly sailing
connection remains
- practically the only contact to the outside world, even to the main land of Timor-Leste
and its capital Dili. Although
- Indonesia annexed the whole of East-Timor between 1975 and 1999, today there is no
cross-border traffic of
- people or goods anymore. Today, Timor-Leste is orientated much more towards Australia.
- After three wonderful days of discovering Oecussi, we also took the ferry for a 13-hour
night journey to Dili. What
- a difference to the "chaotic" Indonesian ferry adventures! Everything runs
smoothly and well organized, nearly as in
- Europe the sponsor can be sensed! On May 19th, at dawn, we reach Timor-Leste's
capital Dili, a city with about
- 70'000 people. Unfortunately, the place has rather a bad reputation, especially in the
international travel advisories.
- But nothing is eaten as hot as it was cooked before. We have the feeling that the media
is sometimes exaggerating
- (good news are no news), though the notorious refugee camps are visible, which were
blamed for some unrest and
- riots. But on Timor-Leste's Independence Day, on May 20th, when also the newly elected
President José Ramos-
- Horta was inaugurated, no tension could be felt at all. Luckily, we were able to
participate in these festivities too. As
- we have now the impression that Timor-Leste can be traveled and discovered without too
many problems, we
- intend to explore this obviously beautiful and young country, which was "born"
only on May 20th, 2002, during the
- coming few weeks.
- Unfortunately, the entire procedure for the temporary visit of our car to the
Philippines has to be restarted from
- scratch this may take some time! Saying this, it's not at all clear how the
continuation from Timor-Leste will be for
- us, and when this will be. Either we ship directly from Dili to Manila, or we apply for
another Indonesian visa to
- discover more destinations on its 17'000 islands, like e.g. Sulawesi and the Moluccas.
- Therefore, please check from time to time the progress of our "Indonesia-Trip, Part 4", and shortly also of our
- pictured site of "Timor-Leste"!
New Reports/Pictures
mouse over picture shows comments
click a picture to see details
- Sarawak/East-Malaysia
- (Island of Borneo), Part 2
- (Nov. 2006)
- Sabah/East-Malaysia
- (Island of Borneo)
- (Oct. 2006)
- Brunei
- (Sept. 2006)
- Sarawak/East-Malaysia
- (Island of Borneo), Part 1
- (June - Aug. 2006)
- Myanmar
- (May 2006)
- Thailand
- Temples, Pagodas, Shrines
- Thailand
- People, Beaches, Nature
- (Nov. 1993 - Jan. 1994)
- (Nov. - Dec. 2005)
- (Febr. - April 2006)
- (February 2006)

- (January 2006)
- (December 2005)

- (Oct. - Nov. 2005)
- (September 2005)

- (September 2005)
Hong Kong
- (September 2005)
+ our Timor-Leste Trip, 2nd part |
Mainland with Dili
May 2007 |
+ our Timor-Leste Trip, 1st part |
Enclave of Oecussi
May 2007 |
+ our Indonesia Trip, 4th part |
Sumba, West Timor
April-May 2007 |
+ our Indonesia Trip, 3rd part |
Lombok, Sumabawa,
Flores April 2007 |
+ our Indonesia Trip, 2nd part |
Bali Jan.-March
2007 |
+ our Indonesia Trip, 1st part |
Sumatra, Java
Dec. 2006 |
+ our Borneo Trip |
Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah,
Kalimantan Sept.-Nov. 2006 |
+ our LandCruiser on a
"Rejuvenation Cure" |
in Miri/Sarawak - the
East Malaysian province on Borneo June-Aug. 2006 |
+ added
from a earlier visit to the USA: |
Las Vegas (Millennium change) |
+ added
from our Arabian Peninsula round trip: |
Pictures from Yemen (May-June 1996) |
+ Flashbacks
of our Worldrecordtour: |
Pictures from "all the continents" (Oct. 1984 - April 1997) |
- + Follow-ups about Toyota-Experiences:
- Encounters resp. "Ups + Downs" with
- Toyota Companies since 1982
- On July 7th, 2005, we were able to celebrate after a journey through
150 countries the car's
- 600'000th Kilometer - very prosaic
in front of the post office in Cayenne/French Guiana.
- Are you interested into the LandCruiser History, prepared
by Toyota Motor
Sales USA and taken over by
- Toyota
Motor United Kingdom? (after some loading-time
please klick "
IN LEGEND" and afterwards "HAIR TO MAGELLAN"
- and you will see that we already belong to it too!)