In Deutsch
Enjoy some pictures of the worldrecordtour, taken in
the British Virgin Islands

Tortola Map

Map of the Caribbean |
click a
picture to see details |




View over Road Town and
harbor |
City sign in Road
Town |
Cane Garden Bay surrounded by
jungle |
British Virgin
Islands - "Nature's Little Secrets"
Months have passed since we last were separated from our LandCruiser and it is only the
second time that we hand over the keys of our car, which is also our home with all our
belongings. (The first time was in Yokohama/Japan with destination Vancouver/Canada). But
as it is a free ride, we accept it and fully trust the crew of only five people of
"MV Captain Johnny I" who will transport our car in one and a half hour to
Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. We are not allowed to join the vessel due to the
tough restrictions of the US Homeland Security from and to US ports. This is at 6am of
June 22nd. Three hours later, we are also on our way with the passenger high-speed ferry
to our next country. The short sea trip on open deck is quite turbulent and adventurous.
As the ferry speeds away, we just can hold firmly to our seats and are glad that we chose
a spot behind the bridge where the heavy spray of the sea waves cannot reach us. A tourist
lady who sits behind will surely not forget this wet trip so quickly.



Tasteful architecture
in Road Town |
View over East End |
Beautiful tropical flower |
Despite the trust that we put in
the crew of "MV Captain Johnny I", after arrival with the passenger ferry in
Road Town, we have just one wish: To rush to the commercial port to our car. But we have
to be patient, as we first have to deal with the old English paper work for our car to be
allowed into the country. Keith Dawson from the Ministry of Tourism makes all the
necessary steps with us, from the insurance to the agent, from the agent to the licensing,
from the licensing to the customs. Thanks to his preparative work and his presence, things
go pretty smooth. New in comparison with other island is that the car has to go through
vehicle inspection in order to be allowed to drive on Tortola with its totally 147
kilometers of roads. What will they check? How tough will they be? Of course, we are a bit
nervous as the two black men approach with a huge notebook. But they look good-natured and
soon we realize that they do not have in mind to make our life difficult. The only things
that they want to see are the lights. After that test, we get a written approval - of
course again against a fee - to drive on their island with our Swiss license plates. The
whole bureaucracy has taken us from 10am to 3pm and did cost us totally US$ 120.



Murals on the Ridge Road: |
Preparing "Bong
Bong" |
Loading donkeys with sand |
Men cutting sugar cane |
If we thought that the roads on
the US Virgin Islands were the steepest in the world, we are taught otherwise late
afternoon as we drive to Brewer's Bay in the North, where - according to our guidebook -
the only campsite of the island exists. Wild camping is strictly prohibited here. The road
first follows the flat coastal plain, but soon after Cane Garden Bay it climbs simply
nearly vertically up the hill. The engine is becoming too hot due to driving with full
power in the first low gear, so that we have to stop and let it cool off. Until we finally
reach the summit, it becomes a real nightmare, as the sliding and the smell of he clutch,
which started already before in St. Thomas, is getting worse. We have no eyes for the
wonderful view around us, the Cane Garden Bay and "our" Brewers Beach. When Emil
wants to turn off the engine, he hears a worrying knocking of the engine, which he
diagnoses as a burnt valve. I feel awful. It could not have happened at a worse place. How
will we ever get back to Road Town, if at all? Immediately we start to check the
compression of the cylinders, and as our "problem maker", No. 2, seems still to
be alive, we get new hope that Emil's diagnoses was a false alarm - what it finally showed
to be. What a huge relief!



Picturesque Well Bay
on Beef Island |
Exotic flower |
Bird in the branches |
Cooled down, we descend nearly
vertically again to the campsite, but still with the sword in the neck that we have to get
up somehow once in a while. What gets on our nerves after all the sweating is that the
camping at Brewer's Bay is for tents only and those to rent look very dilapidated at the
first sight. May be they are not even in use any more? But suddenly, we hear laughter of
celebrating people, a group of Americans from North Carolina, who have installed
themselves in two rented tents on the beach for their final three vacation days after
having sailed for one week through the wonderful islands of the BVI (it is said to be one
of the most beautiful regions for sailors). They wave us in and open a bottle of French
white wine. At second sight, we notice that the tents are actually not so run down as they
looked before to us. On the contrary, they are equipped quite comfortably, with two real
beds covered with white linen, of course behind a mosquito net, which in the tropics is
indispensable. In front of the tent are a big wooden table, benches and chairs, an icebox
and a kerosene lamp. Costs per tent per night US$40. Only one of the women of the group
sleeps in a tent, the others prefer to stay in an air-conditioned hotel room close by.
What a pity for all the romance, as in a few days they will have all their desired comfort
at home anyway again. These thoughts go through our minds, as we are watching the
brilliant canopy of stars and listen to the gentle sound of the waves in the mild tropical
night. We just park our car to camp near the campground, directly on the beach.



- On the Coastal Road to West End
- Sopers Hole Wharf & Marina in West End
- Brewers Bay with the only camping
- on the Island and only for tents
Emil is not in the mood to spend
another day here at Brewers Bay as he worries too much how our LandCruiser will manage the
steep hill again with its slipping clutch. Therefore, after breakfast, we say good-bye and
make our way just up the hill again, this time on a less steeper access. Reaching the
"Scenic Ridge Drive" that crosses nearly the whole island, we drive it from West
to East, enjoying all the views over the quiet town of Road Town and its harbor and
discover suddenly with fascination a wall with beautiful murals. They show nostalgic
scenes of times gone by: Feeding the fowls, on the way to the market, children in front of
a school, cutting sugar cane, preparing "Bong Bong", loading sand, just to
mention a few ones. Then, we definitely head back to the coastal strip. First we have to
get water. We have seen nowhere a water tab, not even at a gasoline station and are told
that people have to buy their water, what we do also. For US Cents 0.14 we can fill up our
two 20-liter jerry cans. The girl at the reception mentions smilingly that up to now she
never filled out a receipt for so little money. Next, we are desperately looking for a new
spot to spend the night. We do not care anymore if wild camping is prohibited, not ten
horses will be able to bring us back to Brewer's Bay, as we do not want to cross the steep
hills again. Very soon, we find a hidden spot at the picturesque Well Bay, where we pitch
up "camp" in the dark and spend a surprisingly quiet night.



Catamaran at Sopers
Hole Marina |
Long Bay at Belmont Point |
Boulders at Well Bay Coast |
Next morning, our worries are
back again: Will we get stuck here in Tortola due to our damaged clutch (it has been
running only 23'000 kilometers), will the police discover us on our wild camping site and,
over all, will all the new US marine regulations ISPS starting July 1st jeopardize our
return to Sint Maarten, which goes through St. Thomas and St. Croix in the US Virgin
Islands. We do not want to take any risks and start already to organize our departure for
the next week, though the camping problem is getting solved on the third day as Chris and
John with son Charlie and the two dogs Coca and Trixie invite us to their beautiful villa
on Beef Island with wonderful vistas. We are allowed to park in their driveway and use
shower and fridge in their guest room, and have the chance to be very close to our
preferred beaches - the idyllic Well Bay and the horseshoe shaped Long Bay, where most of
the time we have the whole beach for ourselves.



Cane Garden Bay with
sailing boats |
Splashing in the water in Long Bay
Masts at the Sunsail Marina |
Each day we admire the colorful
sailing yachts of the Sunsail Marina. One morning we decide to have a close look at it. We
make ourselves comfortable on the shady veranda and are watching the activities. Newcomers
with pale faces barrel their suitcases and provisions to their freshly rented yacht.
Tanned ones, who have their most beautiful days of the year already behind them, are
packing for the return flight. Though we prefer to stand with both feet on ground, the
desire to experience this luxury life and to let us float and pamper on the water at least
once could catch us. What we are especially attracted to are the Catamarans, which have
their living space all behind glass. We have no idea what such sailing holidays cost and
study with amazement the prices: Depending on size and comfort, a yacht costs between
US$300 and 1'000 per day, Catamarans between US$500 and 1000. A skipper costs additionally
$140 per day and a cook around $105. This can go up during the peak season, including
personal but without meals: to US$ 3'210, minimum 7 days rental! It does not surprise us
anymore that the BVI belong to the most expensive Caribbean Region, what confirm also the
prices of the hotels listed in the brochure of the Tourist Board. There, we find seven
hotels costing more than US$ 10'000 (ten thousand) per DAY - for the whole island, a villa
or a suite. The most expensive is Richard Branson's Necker Island charging US$ 38'000 per
day! As such a price level attracts only the elite of the world, there are also all kind
of world banks operating here: UBS, private banks from Liechtenstein- and the Cayman
Island, etc. In the tropical heat not only clothes are being washed....., and saving tax
money seems to allow building the moist luxury villas and steering the beautiful yachts.
Amazingly, the British Virgin Islands have the US Dollar as its official currency.



Beautiful and lonely
Long Bay on Beef Island |
Farewell from Road Town |
Splendor of a tropical sunset |
- The six days on BVI passed like in a dream. On Monday, June 28, 2004, we say good-bye.
Our LandCruiser and we are making the sea journey back to St. Thomas in the US Virgin
Islands again separately, where "our MV Cap Canaille" will take us on board the
same night back to Sint Maarten. As we sail away from sleepy Road Town, a sense of feeling
comes up that we did not taste fully "Nature's Little Secrets".
- Articles in newspapers about us in the British Virgin Islands: