In Deutsch
- Pictures of the second part of our Taiwan
- (Taitung – Southern Cross-Island Highway – Siraya
National Scenic Area (Zengwun Reservoir) –
- Alishan NSA – Sun Moon Lake NSA – Taroko National
Park – Suao-Hualien Highway – Taipei)
- Part 1: Kaohsiung Kenting
- Part 3: Taipei – Northeast Taiwan – Northern Cross-Island Hwy. – Taroko – East Coast – Taitung – Kaohsiung
- Taiwan Map

- Map of Far East

picture: November 11, 2007
- click a picture to see details
- the colored numbers of the pictures are corresponding with
the map of the above mentioned link in the
same color



- 58
The dragon is frequently found
- on temple roofs and is a symbol of
- strength, wisdom and good luck
- 59
We are never tired to admire the
- magnificent architecture of Chinese temples.
- Here North of Taitung on the East coast
- 60
The walls of this sea temple on the
- East Coast near Taitung are decorated
- with impressive scenes from the
- Chinese mythology
- Blue sunny skies greet us on our departure day from the
Bethlehem mission in Taitung. After five relaxing days in the
company of the welcoming missionaries, we swap our bright bedroom
with own shower for our modest camping bed in the car again. We
head towards the North to the rough, windswept coast, where the
eternal game of wind and waves has grinded, split and perforated
stones and corals into scurrile shapes in Xiaoyeliu – or also
known as “Little Wild Willow”. Afterwards, the mountains call.
In Donghe, we switch to the interior and cross in never ending
bends first the Coastal Mountains and follow then the narrow
ribbon of the Southern Cross-Island Highway winding higher and
higher into the mountains. There is very little traffic; it is
wild and very beautiful. Panoramas with stunning views into deep
gorges, densely forested mountains, gushing mountain streams and
splashing waterfalls open up. On 6’500ft. altitude, the first
majestic cedars come into view, and on 8’930ft. height we reach
the mountain pass. The 1’970ft. long Guanshan Yakou tunnel
brings us to the Western side of the Central Mountain ridge.
There, the view is breathtaking! A dense sea of fog spreads in
front of us with cedars and mountain peaks sharply poking out. The
evening light is fantastic and we euphorically take pictures. Only
the icy wind and the bitter cold that penetrates already into our
bones drive us away. We are not at all prepared for wintry



- 61
North of Taitung, in Siaoyeliu
- (Little Wild Willows), wind and waves
- have grinded, polished and split stones
- and corals to ludicrous formations
- 62
Tranquil scenery accompanies
- us on our way to the Southern
- Cross-Island Highway
- 63
The red roofs of a Chinese
- temple overlook a rice field
- ready to be harvested
- Soon afterwards, the narrow, windy mountain road leads us
slowly, but steadily down towards the valley, and at some point
below the fog line where we urgently need a place to set up camp.
It is only 6pm, but already dark. Short of Meishan –
opposite a small view point – we finally discover a paved path
leading up a hill. It is a perfect spot. A single light is
flickering down in the valley; otherwise it is pitch dark around
us until the moon rises behind the mountains. We have now
descended to 4’300ft. and the temperature is relatively mild.
But the freezing cold from the pass still haunts us during the
night – and our
heavy sleeping bags are still stored in one of the aluminum cases
on the rooftop! Eventually a small lorry wakes us up as it
approaches us – obviously somebody is looking for a place to
rest too. But luckily he doesn’t stay. All the same, we cannot
go back to sleep for quite some time.



- 64
A mountain river meanders
- through a wild gorge of the
- Central Mountain Range
- 65
The mountain road of the
- Southern Cross-Island Highway reveals
- to be wild, lonely and very beautiful
- 66
At 8’930 ft. – at the highest point
- of the Southern Cross Island Highway – a
- sea of fog is greeting us on its Western side
- Next day, we cross Meishan and the Nanhua- and Zengwun-Reservoirs and follow the narrow valleys with painstakingly cultivated tea plantations on steep mountain slopes that lead to the Alishan National Scenic Area, being known as one of the most visited regions in Taiwan. It is noon, when we arrive. After paying our entrance fee – instead of NT$150 (=US$4.50) only NT$10 being pensioners – we head to the overcrowded parking lot (costs an additional NT$100) with hotels, shops and stalls all around, just to realize that this is not exactly “our” place we are looking for. Such busy destinations never keep us long. In addition, we find out that today the mountain railway – the main attraction – that starts at 100ft. above sea level in Chiayi station and climbs up to the mountain station at 7’460ft. altitude through 50 tunnels and 77 bridges through tropical and subtropical vegetation isn’t operating today. Nevertheless, masses of visitors swarm around. They came either to trek or watch the sunrise that is said to be outstanding with its swirling fog. How will the place look mid March when the countless cherry trees are in full bloom, when 10’000 tourists are expected daily? Just unimaginable!



- 67
Before Meishan, we set up camp
- on an altitude of 4’265 ft., surrounded
- by mountains and meadows of blue
- and white flowers: Mood at sunrise
- 68
Black ravens keep us
- company at breakfast
- 69
On our way to the Alishan
- National Scenic Area, we pass
- along beautifully set tea plantations
- Sunrises have never counted to our priorities; thus we are on the move already mid afternoon to our next destination – the Sun & Moon Lake, “Taiwan’s most picturesque and romantic lake”, according to Taiwan’s tourist brochures. Located amidst mountains, it indeed spreads a sense of deep calmness and comes very close to this description. A bit disturbing are, however, the high rise buildings and mooring tourist boats. More impressing than the lake itself, which is indeed beautifully situated, are the Tsen Pagoda and the Wenwu Miao temple. Alone the ascent to the pagoda through jungle vegetation with huge elephant ear leafs, tree ferns and the ubiquitous bird chirping is beautiful. But when finally the majestic pagoda suddenly towers in front of us in all its beauty into a deep blue sky, we cannot take our eyes off it. It was built by Chiang Kai-Shek in honor of his mother in 1971. We also climb the many steep stone steps to the top to enjoy the sweeping view over the mystic lake. On our return to the parking lot, we are tempted to buy at one of the many food stalls a roasted Peking duck for NT$130 that turns out to be a lucky strike, not for us, but for the white stray dog that is keeping us company at lunch. Being so incredibly tough, the poor creature gets the most of it.



- 70
Near Jiasian (Highway 20), we
- are attracted to this modern temple
- high up a hill with its golden dragons,
- called “Holy Glory Temple”
- 71
..... its incredible splendor
- and grandeur starts already
- at its entrance gate
- 72
The three main house gods of
- the Chinese are found often on temple
- roofs (from left to right): Fu is the god
- of prosperity, Lu of posterity and Shou
- of longevity (temple near Jhongpu)
- Despite that in the meantime we have already admired many of the unique Taiwanese temples, we are again overwhelmed by the Wenwu Miao Temple that is built in three levels into the green hill and is watched by two huge stone lions. The architecture and the incredible carved work of the main altar and the ceiling in their red and gold are simply stunning in their details. It seems that the source of those wonderful pieces of art is endless in Taiwan: Be it dragons – the symbol of strength, wisdom and luck – or the colossal Buddha statues which are all over. One of them greets us from far also in Puli. We reach it by following a small track through cultivated fields. Sitting on a golden throne at the edge of the lush green jungle, it measures 164ft. over-all, its head alone 50ft.; it is considered to be the biggest bronze Buddha statue in the world.



- 73
The lush fern trees are sticking
- out everywhere in the forest greenery
- 74
The concentration of beautiful waterfalls
- is incredible, either big or small ones
- 75
Shining yellow dots
- in the lush greenery
- After exploring such a wealth of exotic treasures, we are ready for the tranquility of nature again. We take the Central Cross-Island Highway leading to the biggest natural wonder of Taiwan – to the Taroko Gorge, “mother nature’s masterpiece”, as it is also called. The weather god is on our side, at least until we reach the mountain pass on 10’584ft. altitude in the Mt. Hehuan National Forest Recreation Area. Once we have left behind the touristy mountain villages with its neat chalets in black forest architecture, beautiful views open up constantly: Down to the scattered valleys with carefully cultivated terraced fields that are stretching in different patterns on the steep slopes, and to the high mountain peaks with its permanently dramatic cloud formations passing by. Wherever we stop for enjoying the view, locals are taking an intense interest in us. They admire our “home on wheels” with great amazement and each one is eager to make a picture from the three of us. Can we say “no” seeing their excitement to have met us personally? Most of them remember us from earlier media publications.



- 76
Chukou in the Alishan National
- Scenic Area has another of the many
- nostalgic suspension bridges
- 77
A series of impressive statues
- adorn this lovely temple in Chukou
- in the Alishan National Scenic Area
- 78 The roasted duck facing
- the vendor was our lunch
- at Sun Moon Lake
- As soon as we reach Mt. Hehuan pass, the scenery is changing abruptly. The tropical vegetation ends completely and we are now surrounded by treeless green hills, recalling a certain similarity to Scotland. On the Eastern side, we immediately descend into dense fog that is not easing the whole way down the valley. Apart from the poor visibility, the many construction sites hamper our progress. Due to Taiwan’s steep mountain slopes with frequent landslides, road construction teams are always in operation somewhere. It’s very impressive
how the Taiwanese government tries to keep everywhere the traffic flowing – whatever happened. Unfortunately, today many of the spectacular sights remain hidden due to the mist. Now and then we get a glimpse of the more than 3’000ft. deep canyon with its white marble boulders; of a waterfall gushing down a steep wall; or the meandering ribbon of the Liwu River. This is the reason that in spite of being only mid-afternoon, we stop for the day and put up camp at the official free car-camping-site near Tiansiang – a parking lot with showers and toilet at the edge of the impressive gorge. Aside from us, a middle aged couple from Kaohsiung has put up a makeshift camp with their car and a tarp. We explain to them our “house on wheels” until the humid chill factor forces us into the comfort
of our car.



- 79
We enjoy the deep serenity
- of the Sun Moon Lake
- from the Tsen Pagoda
- 80
The Tsen Pagoda overlooking
- Sun Moon Lake was built 1971 by
- Chiang Kai-Shek in honor of his mother
- 81
Built into the hillside on three levels,
- the “Wenwu Miao” Taoist Shrine at Sun
- Moon Lake is another of Taiwan’s glories
- With the first daylight, we are back on our feet. At breakfast, only the cry of a raven circling above our heads interrupts the calm around us. However, already a few miles further down hills, in Tiansiang village, we are once more surrounded by the typical “madhouse” that is to be found at all touristy places. The parking lots are crowded with buses that have discharged their sightseers in front of the expensive hotels last night, most people belonging to the older generation. They are now flooding the place, destroying a bit the mysticism of the area – of the romantic bridge, the lovely pavilions and the pagoda sitting on a hill. On the other side, we wonder about the passion of the local population in their island’s sights. The most spectacular part of the Taroko Gorge is the trail of the “tunnel of nine turns”, leading 1.2 miles along the gorge with the more than 3’000ft. vertically high, mostly overhanging cliffs, where repeatedly signs warn of falling rocks. It’s only since the early 90’s that the whole road traffic is bypassing in a diversion tunnel this partly single-track section. The views are stunning everywhere: Giant white marble rocks are gleaming in the bed of the Liwu River, straight up cliffs tower on both sides, waterfalls tumble through sparse tropical vegetation. The second most impressive sight is the Eternal Spring Shrine built into the steep cliff beside the river bank. It is a memorial in honor of the 272 workers who lost their lives at the construction of the Central Cross-Island Highway.



- 82
The intricately elaborated main
- altar of the “Wenwu Miao” Taoist
- Shrine at Sun Moon Lake is an
- incredible piece of art
- 83
The head alone of this
- biggest sitting Buddha statue
- made of bronze in the world is
- 45 ft. tall and lies outside of Puli
- 84
Sitting on a golden looking throne,
- this 164 ft. tall Buddha Statue outside
- of Puli is considered to be the tallest
- bronzed in the world ......
- Then, we are back at the East Coast, known for its wild beauty. The weather is worsening by the minute, it gets darker and foggy, it starts to drizzle and finally to rain. At least we have one consolation: In a few weeks time, we will have the chance to drive this coastal stretch again when we are heading back
to Kaohsiung in Southwestern Taiwan for the shipment of our car. But what we urgently need now is a solid place to spend the night, what seems to be difficult today: On
one side is the sea, on the other the mountain cliffs. When we reach the typhoon protected harbor of Nanfang-ao, the downpours are getting heavier and dusk is approaching.
We drive into a small side road, where we spot an empty paved parking lot belonging to a brothel. There is hardly any traffic and we decide to stay. Merely out of curiosity, we ask about the room price: It is NT$1’280 a night, what equals about US$40. Apart of the barking of stray dogs, the night turns out to be surprisingly quiet. At 5am, we are awake. The rain has seized. We quickly jump out of the bed and rearrange things, just in time before the skies empty another wet load forcing us to have breakfast in the car. We decide to spend some time in the interesting fishing village with its picturesque boats hoping that the weather would improve. But it is not meant to be. Therefore, we skip the more beautiful drive through the mountains to Taipei, and take the faster expressway instead that leads through a couple of modern tunnels. The longest, the Hsuehshan tunnel, is 8 miles. It is only 2½ miles shorter than the Swiss Gotthard tunnel with its 10½ miles, but this one has throughout 4 lanes!



- 85
..... It looks over this
- peaceful rural area
- 86
The papaya tree near the “Chung
- Tai Chan” Temple outside Puli is
- bending from the weight of its heavy fruits
- 87
Lush greenery is found in
- amazingly abundance in Taiwan
- Everything seems gray on gray, when we join Taipei’s heavy traffic lanes, with its masses of scooters all over. But it’s well organized: On three stories flows the main traffic. The second
level is a throughway with very few ways out; on the first floor are from time to time exits to enter the city, and the ground floor acts as a feeder-road. It’s very nice to drive on the top highway as the view of the town is superb. The famous Grand Hotel in its palace-like Chinese appearance sitting on a hill
in its irresistible splendor. With anticipation and excitement we step into the reception hall with its red and golden Chinese luster’s and its beautiful Far East decor. Immediately, we find ourselves transferred into another world, a wonderful strange and exciting one! And this atmosphere will be our home for the next two nights, as guests of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau. We check into our room, No. 608, where the decor of the ceiling itself is already unique. But still more exclusive is the sweeping panorama over the whole city.
But all that glitters is not gold: While in budget accommodations a lot of extras are free, in the luxurious hotels many things have to be paid additionally, sometimes at rather hefty prices – just to mention internet access that might exceed
easily the costs of a backpacker’s night. While Emil is working on the computer,
I soak in a scented foam bath, spoil myself with all the creams and lovely smelling things and use all the immaculately white and soft towels being offered. Then, we relax in front of the TV with its big screen and listen to the CNN news, broadcasting that President Musharraf in Pakistan has proclaimed a state of emergency and that one province in Mexico is under water. In the evening, we relax on our terrace and watch the many city lights illuminating the skies, before we stretch out on the huge bed, where at least five people could sleep.



- 88
Dense, untouched forest is
- surprisingly common in the mountains
- 89
Nature produces
- wonderful fruits and seeds
- 90
The chatter of the "Formosan
- Bulbul" is omnipresent
- on our tour around the island
- Next morning, breakfast leaves nothing to be desired. Even Emil’s much loved cheese is not missing as well as freshly brewed coffee direct from the machine. On an offered personal tour through the Grand Hotel we learn that it is the only hotel in the world in genuine Chinese architectural style and has been
built on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek’s wife. We are shown the different rooms, also the big banquet room accommodating 700 people, where many head of states and high rank people have dined. Of special interest is that a tunnel of escape belongs to the hotel too. If it ever had to be used and by whom remains a secret! David from the DPA (Deutsche Depeschenagentur – a German media agency like Reuters) is waiting for us on our return for his interview and a picture with our LandCruiser in front of the hotel. The photo session takes ages because the whole hotel parking is taken over by tour buses. Apparently a luxury night at the Grand Hotel is included in many package tours. One by one the drivers advance to the front door to let their passengers climb in. But at some point, also this action is over and David has his picture made. Leaving, he surprises us with a piece of cake from the coffee shop. In our more than 170 interviews around the world in the past 22 years, we have not experienced very often such a lovely gesture. But this is Taiwan!



- 91
The well kept garden of the “Chung
- Tai Chan” Monastery outside of Puli is
- dotted with enlightening Buddha Statues
- 92
The impressive 492 ft. tall
- “Chung Tai Chan” Temple sits
- on a 60-acre lotus hill outside Puli
- 93
A small mountain lake in the forest
- on the way to the Central Cross-Island
- Highway spreads tranquility
- We never expected that his article would find such a widespread response. Beside others, it has also been picked up from the most popular Italian newspaper
della Sera”, what produced record numbers on our website: 13’407 visitors and 787’456 hits on a single day! Apart of that, we received so many enthusiastic emails that partly touched us deeply and showed us once more how privileged we are to live a life that many dream of. “You are the heroes of my life”, or “I find no words to express my admiration”, or the words of 19 years old Collins: “You are an indefinite inspiration and wisdom for a whole generation” – there are hardly more meaningful words. Later, we discover that the DPA- and other articles have appeared not only in about 200 Chinese mainland
newspapers even Xinhua
but also in dozens of American and European publications (one copies the other!).



- 94
On the way to the 10’912 ft. high pass
- of the Central Cross-Island Highway, we
- enjoy magnificent views over the valley
- and its cultivated terraced orchards
- 95
Embedded in steep mountain
- slopes, villages and crops form
- unique patterns
- 96
Spectacular clouds are sailing
- around the peaks of the high
- Northern Mountain Range
- At noon of November 4th, we are heading to Taipei’s Museum of Drinking Water for the 25th celebration of the Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) in Taipei – that acts as the Swiss Consulate – to which we are invited. When we arrive at the fairground, a nostalgic wave rushes through us at the sight of the Swiss-bred “Bernhardiner” dog, looking at us with its faithful eyes, and at the huge poster with “our” mountain, the famous Matterhorn. And it is no secret that this event will be highlighted also by the Swiss Alphorn, played by Eliana Burki. Despite that it is cool and a fierce wind is blowing, the rows of seats are filling up quickly with local families and Swiss people working in Taiwan. We are offered a seat in the first row when Mr. Feer opens the event with a speech, followed by traditional dances performed by a native group of the Ami tribe. Eagerly, we are waiting for the star attraction: Eliana Burki and her funky Alphorn. 24 years young and attractive, she captivates the audience immediately with her widespread program of jazz, blues and heartbeat. Everybody is impressed and happy.



- 97
At the altitude of the 10’912 ft. high
- pass near Mt. Hehuan in the Northern
- Mountain Range, the vegetation peters out
- 98
The Liwu River cuts through the
- mountains and meanders through the white
- boulders of the 3’300 ft. deep Taroko Gorge
- 99 Surrounded by forested mountains,
- Tiansiang in the Taroko Gorge with its bridge,
- pavilions and hill pagoda is a mystical place
- During the break, our LandCruiser is celebrated as a kind of star too. It is praised, admired and touched by many Swiss expatriates and locals, while we patiently answer all their never ending questions. For
Erika, the journalist of the China
Post, it is not easy to get to her desired interview in between. The discussions last through the whole break and continue practically to the end of the event. Then, finally, we are able to join the happy people enjoying Raclette (melted cheese) and Bratwurst (fried sausage) too – both Swiss specialties. It feels a bit like home! We are invited to these special treats and are given some of the tasty cheese even on our way. Four days later, we find ourselves once more in front of a favorite dish, this time cheese cake from a lunch buffet, offered by Mr. Feer from our Trade Office. Mr. Sieber, Consul stationed in
Hong Kong, is joining us. The mood is wonderfully relaxed and many entertaining stories from their career and our journey are exchanged far into the afternoon. Once more we find ourselves very privileged about all the attention we get from our consulates around the world. And Mr. Sieber has already invited us for our next destination, Hong Kong.



- 100
The 1.2 mile long “Tunnel
- of Nine Turns” through vertical
- cliffs reveals spectacular views
- 101
The “Eternal Spring Shrine” is
- built in honor of the 272 workers who
- lost their lives during the construction
- of the Central Cross-Island Highway
- 102
The many fishing boats harbored
- in the Taifun protected fishing port
- of Nanfang-ao on the East Coast
- are a colorful sight
- The wave of privileges continues: Next day, we park punctually at 12.30pm in front of the traditional “Dian Shui Lou” restaurant. As soon as we step outside of our car, we are officially welcomed by a delegation dressed in black suits and ties and clicking cameras:
By Steven T.Y. Kuo Su, Deputy Director-General of the Tourism Bureau, two members of his staff – Trust Lin und James
Wang – as well as Chen Chin-Yi, the owner of the „Dian Shui Lou“ Restaurant. From the very first moment, we are treated like kings and one surprise follows the other. In a private room, a round table is festively set for the six of us, and on the menu card, where our welcome picture is already pinned, 18 courses are printed in Chinese as well as in English. Hopefully, my small stomach is not striking, crosses my mind.



- 103
- 104
- 105
- Rain and clouds of fog obscure the view of the wild and spectacular East Coast
- But I manage perfectly. Alone the arrangement of each single serving out of the 18 is eye-catching. At “tea smoked frog leg” and “steamed baby yellow croaker” we are a bit skeptical, but both taste surprisingly good. Merely when a whole fish, still with its head, is on the plate, I steal a peep at Emil, knowing that besides mashed potatoes, fish is something that can easily chase him away. But he swallows it bravely. Did I expect otherwise? After two and a half hours, we are through all the dishes and move to the first floor to a traditional tea ceremony, where “Miss Beauty” – how the attractive lady from
Korea is called – introduces us to the many Taiwanese tea brands and its preparation. We watch with amazement when in the boiling water the round tea ball in the size of a walnut opens its leaves and develops into a beautiful multicolored flower. It is simply ingenious!



- 106
A group of aboriginal of the Ami
- tribe is performing at the celebration of
- the 25th anniversary of TOSI – Trade
- Office of Swiss Industries – in
- “Taipei’s Museum of Drinking Water”
- 107
A nostalgic sight at the Swiss
- TOSI anniversary: A Swiss-bred
- dog, called “Bernhardiner”, in front
- of the “Matterhorn”, a well known
- and famous peak in Switzerland
- 108
The Swiss Band “Eliana Burki
- and her Funky Swiss Alphorn” was
- the main attraction at the 25th
- Celebration of the “Trade Office
- of Swiss Industries” (TOSI) in Taipei
- There is still another surprise on stock for us: We change from the restaurant to an adjacent store, where we are offered a full body massage lasting two hours. Firstly, the shoulders are kneaded and then the feet are treated, followed by a 70 minutes body massage – by the way the first one in our lives! Emil and I are in the same room, each one with an own masseur. They really work hard on us and sometimes it hurts quite a bit. Emil confesses afterwards with a smile that he did not always feel comfortable, just hoping that his masseur would know what he is doing and not breaking any of his old bones. But we both survive the “torture” and have to admit that afterwards we indeed felt a bit like newly born. With three bags full of different gifts – a picture book of Taiwan signed by the Bureau of Tourism, two T-Shirts, two sets of tea cups, two packages with different tea leaves, four tea balls, massage cream and different souvenirs – we head back to our car parked in front of the restaurant.



- 109
Taipei’s “Grand Hotel” is
- the only hotel in the world built in
- the style of a Chinese palace.
- Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau
- accommodated us two nights there!
- 110
Posing for a picture with
- our LandCruiser in front of the
- unique “Grand Hotel” in Taipei
- 111
Posing for a picture after a very
- memorable, 18-course traditional lunch at
- “Dian Shui Lou” Restaurant in Taipei: From
- left to right: Mr. Chen Chin-Yi , owner of
- the “Dian Shui Lou” Restaurant, Mr. Steven
- T.Y. Kuo Su, Deputy Director-General
- of the Tourism Bureau, Mr. Trust Lin and
- Mr. James Wang of the Tourism Bureau
- Claudia, whom we met at the motherhouse of the Swiss Bethlehem Mission in Taitung, picks us up in the evening. We are invited to stay at her apartment that she shares with Regina and Susanne 12 miles on the outskirts of Taipei. The three German girls are lay missionaries and currently still learning Chinese at the University. After completing their nine months study, they will start with their special tasks: Claudia and Susanne will work with heavily handicapped children in Taitung, and Regina as advisor for the rights of foreign workers in Taipei. All three are highly motivated and it is a pleasure to be able to share their place for a couple of days. It is never boring. One day, friends gather for “Spaetzle – a German specialty, prepared by Regina – another day, for coffee and cake from the German bakery. The get-togethers are always pleasant with interesting discussions, and the rainy days spin away.
- More websites from Taiwan:
- Articles in newspapers about us in Taiwan:
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", The Central News Agency
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Daily Newspaper "China
Times" -
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫妇游世界车难入关 管碧玲助解决", Chinese Internet News "Duo Wei News"
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News "Hi
Net" -
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News "msn
News" -
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News "PChome
Online" -
October 13, 2007
- Article: "管媽服務效率第一 連瑞士人都知道!", Legislator Ms.
Dr. Kuan Pi-ling's Blog
October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦游世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News "Sina
- October 13, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News
"Yam News" - October 13, 2007
- Article: "管碧玲服務效率
連瑞士人都佩服!", Chinese Internet News "IDN.com"
October 14, 2007
- Article: "三項金氏世界紀錄保持者/瑞士夫妻環球23年 吉普遊台", Daily Newspaper "Liberty
Times" -
October 14, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦遊世界車難入關 管碧玲助解決", Chinese Internet News "Qnews"
October 14, 2007
- Article: "管碧玲服務效率 連瑞士人都佩服!", Daily Newspaper "Taiwan Independent Evening News"
October 14, 2007
- Article: "三项金氏世界纪录保持者/瑞士夫妻环球23年 吉普游台", Daily Newspaper "The Epoch Times"
October 14, 2007
- Article: "三項金氏世界紀錄保持者/瑞士夫妻環球23年 吉普遊台", Chinese Internet News "YAHOO!
- October 14, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫妻环球航行23年 历经156个国家和地区", Chinese Internet News
"CCTV" / China - October 15, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫妻23年环球航行 曾到达156个国家和地区", Chinese Internet News
"China News" / China - October 15, 2007
- Article: "Swiss couple in Taiwan on 23-year round-world drive",
English Internet News "The China Post" - October 15, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫妇23年环游地球 足迹遍布156个国家和地区", Chinese Internet News
"China Daily" / China - October 16, 2007
- Article: "瑞士夫婦23年環遊地球 足跡遍佈156個國家和地區",
Xinhua News Agency / China - October 16, 2007
- Article: "Swiss couple fall in love with Taiwan",
English Daily Newspaper "Taipei Times" - November 13, 2007