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Pictures of the second part of our New Caledonia trip (North #1 of Grande Terre)
Part 1: Nouméa and the South of Grande Terre
Part 3: North #2 of Grande Terre
New Caledonia Map
          Map of
        the Pacific


latest picture: September 3, 2008
  • click a picture to see details
73  The petroglyphs of Katiramona
Southeast of Païta are showing circles
engraved on stones in the riverbed
 74  Carved totem poles mark the
entrance to a tribal village near Païta.
They are part of the Kanak culture
75  The Tontouta River near the international
airport of New Caledonia with the same
name – 28 miles Northwest of Nouméa –
meanders peacefully through the plain
76  The mission of Thio in St. Philippe
on the Southern East coast is surrounded
by beautiful tropical vegetation .....
 77  ..... a young girl of the
mission’s community poses
for the camera .....
78  ..... Tiaré flowers (Fangipani),
the symbol of the Pacific, are blooming
in the mission garden of Thio
79  We follow the scenic tropical
East coast South of Thio .....
 80  ..... with the
many tiny bays .....
81  ..... and palm groves with white
sandy beaches, inviting to set up a camp
82  A good mining road near
St. Gabriel leads us to a perfect
bush camp with a lovely view to
the East coast. The red soil
suggests that the region contains
a lot of iron, besides other minerals
like nickel and chrome
 83  ..... On the hills surrounding us,
cruelly exploited by all the various mines,
the vegetation slowly starts to recover.
We discover and admire hundreds of
the carnivorous “Pitcher Plants” [we
have seen similar plants in Sarawak
(Northeast = picture line 10 left;
South = picture line 8 middle) on
Borneo (= picture No. 44)]
84  In the plain, the sun is setting
85  In the South of the East coast
towards Petit Borindi, the coast is
blessed with beautiful scenery
 86  A twisted tree with huge branches
provides the much appreciated shade on
the black sand beach Southeast of Thio
87  Pandanus trees are growing
mostly on coastal areas
88  A honeyeater (Friarbird) is feeding on
nectar of a red bottle brush flower
 89  A bee has settled down on a "Dracophyllum verticillatum" (Dragon-leaf)
90  A Hibiscus flower, common
in the subtropics
Forgotten and uninhabited „ Robinson Crusoe“ islands often appear far out in the blue Ocean
94  Flowering trees near Canala on
the East coast. Due to its blossoms,
often parrots can be seen
 95  The Ciu waterfalls in Canala
are a refreshing sight in
their natural setting
96  Opposite of the Ciu waterfalls
near Canala we discover this
indigenous cemetery of Kanaks
Banana leafs, Araucaria trees, Bougainvillea and towering Royal Palms dominate the subtropical vegetation in Canala at the East Coast
100  The renovated Fort Téremba
near Moindou on the West Coast served
once as prison of deported criminals and
political detainees from France .....
 101  ..... between the ruins of the
scattered buildings carpets of
yellow thistles are blooming .....
102  ..... a roofless building in a
privileged setting under a beautiful tree
103  We relax four days at the windy,
two miles long white sandy beach of
Poé near Bourail, despite that the
water is still too cold to swim .....
 104  ..... we enjoy
fascinating sunsets .....
105  ..... and every kind of blue
and green colors of the sea. The
colors are changing constantly
106  Halfway between Bourail and
Poé Beach is the romantic Turtle Bay
(Baie des Tortues) with its towering
Araucaria trees. It is said that below
each tree a warrior of the tribe of the
Bourail-basin is buried vertically
 107  In Melanesian tradition, this cliff
next to the Turtle Bay, called “Rocher
le Bonhomme“, is said to be the entry
point to the underwater kingdom of the
dead. To gain access to the paradise,
the deceased must plunge from the cliff
into the natural water hole. The warden
then checks that those seeking entry have
pierced ears before allowing them access
108  The towering Araucaria
trees assign Turtle Bay its unique charm
109  Beside of the Turtle Bay lies the
“Bay of the lovers“ (Baie des Amoureux).
The two are connected through
a small walking path
 110  „Christmas Stars/Winter Roses”
with their deep red flowers are a special
attraction between the greenery
111  The Néra River is
meandering through the green valley
112  The Bâ waterfall, 8 miles North
of Houaïlou, plunges through a black
cliff into a refreshing pool. It must be
very impressing with a lot of water
 113  A special gem along the East
coast, 7 miles South of Poindimié, is
the little church of St. Paul in Pambou
at the feet of towering Araucaria trees
114  Janice – a sweet Kanak
girl – sits on the hood of our
LandCuiser for a
remembering picture
115  Liliana looks like an ant at
the bottom of this Araucaria tree.
They can grow as tall as 100ft
 116  Bus stations in the North are
wonderfully painted, but
unfortunately often ruined with graffiti
117  After Ponérihouen on the East
Coast, we drive over a long iron bridge,
originating still from the Second World
War and nicknamed “Eiffel-Bridge”
118  Children at the Tiakan Camping,
4 miles North of Ponérihouen, are eager
to learn about our epic journey .....
 119  ..... the setting of the camping
in a large coconut palm grove at the
beach with its hot showers is worth
the fee of US$ 11.50
120  This traditional Kanak hut
(Case) is the main attraction of
Poindimié’s city beach
More websites from New Caledonia:
Articles in newspapers about us in New Caledonia:
Article: "Un voyage sans fin", Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes - August 27, 2008