- Vanuatu Map
Map of Efate
Map of
the Pacific
- latest picture: July 27, 2008
- click a picture to see details



- 01
With a red Tiare flower behind her
- ear, Mrs. Pielau the Melanesian hostess
- of Air Vanuatu is greeting us with the
- charm of the Pacific as we board the
- aircraft in Auckland on July 23, 2008,
- for the 3-hour flight to Port Vila
- 02
Disembarking in Port Vila the
- capital of Vanuatu on the island of
- Efate Liliana is posing for a photo
- in front of the only Boeing 737-800
- of Air Vanuatu
- 03
At the arriving hall, we are
- welcomed with Pacific rhythms
- by traditionally dressed musicians



- 04
From the WW-I Memorial lookout,
- we enjoy a lovely view over the town
- of Port Vila with its yacht harbor and
- the small island of Iririki with the
- luxury bungalow style hotel
- 05
After 3½ years, we finally meet
- Kay and
Peter Forwood personally and
- spend many interesting hours together
- at Port Vilas water front. They are since
- 14 years on a world tour with a
- Harley Davidson, visiting 189 countries
- 06
View over the Vila Bay to
- the small offshore island of Iririki,
- the yachts and a mega-cruiser,
- which remembers us to
- Saint Martin/Sint Maarten
- in the Caribbean four years ago



- 07
On July 24, 2008, we join the
- celebrations on Childrens Day at
- the Independence Park in Port Vila .....
- 08
..... invited guests follow
- attentively the parade of the Pathfinders
- and the childrens speeches .....
- 09
..... parents and children in their
- festive dresses watch the program
- full of expectation



- 10
From our room at the City Lodge,
- we have a nice view over the colorful
- and lively market of Port Vila, which
- operates daily except on Sundays .....
- 11
..... sitting between her produce,
- a vendor is peeling one of her coconuts
- 12
..... in another market corner,
- men are chatting



- 13
The market is the womens domain.
- Like there is no tipping in Vanuatu,
- there is also no bargaining. The prices
- are marked and fixed
- 14
Taro roots and other
- vegetables is displayed in baskets
- made from banana leaves
- 15
A truck at the market is
- filling up with passengers



- 16
Dolls and other exotic souvenirs
- are on display in Port Vilas
- waterfront stalls .....
- 17
..... the masks are
- especially tempting
- 18
The local language of Vanuatu
- is Bislama a kind of Pidgin. The
- translation of the TVL mobile phone
- ad reads as follows: Talk plenty
- no more worry very easy



- 19
- 20
- 21
- Masks and dances decorate artistically the walls of a small building along the road to
the port



- 22
- 23
- 24
- The charm of the people of the Republic of Vanuatu,
- the former Anglo-French Condominium of the New Hebrides, an archipelago of 82 islands in
- More websites from Vanuatu:
- 2nd Visit:
With vehicle in Oct. 2008-