

(+ earlier Reports)
New Reports
(+ new Pictures)





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News April 2008   (Dunedin/New Zealand, April 25, 2008)

Website statistics: In March we were able to welcome on our website 50'201 visitors who did 1'538'676 hits.
                                           (February = 43'824 visitors 1'325'837 hits)
                                The visitors are coming from about 100 to 118 different countries!
                                Record day since 12/17/1998 - the birthday of our website: 11/5/2007 = 13'407 visitors and 787'456 hits
It's now already 10 weeks since we are discovering the South Island of New Zealand, the 159th country on our
worldtour. In our last News we wrote that we believed to have seen a lot while having driven 2'200 miles. However,
because the weather situation continued to be stable and good, we added another 1'200 miles criss-crossing the island.
But this extra-time was also a little bit influenced by a friend we got to know while being in Dunedin, as he invited us to
do house-sitting on his farm there during his holidays in Australia – a tempting and welcomed change, because the
temperatures are falling now with stormy winds to freezing point. During the overhaul of our LandCruiser back in
Miri/Sarawak on the island of Borneo, the car's heating "disappeared" mysteriously. Missing now this conveniance makes
a warmed-up house much more appreciated.
But we still like it very much on this climatologically rather rough, but extraordinarily beautiful island; not for nothing we
published now on the internet three chronologically built-up websites with more than 200 picutres: New Zealand part 1,
part 2 and part 3. Consequently, the visit of the New Zealand North Island will happen only in May. As a precaution we
extended already here in Dunedin our immigration permit without any problems up to six months, although currently we
don't expect to remain such a long time in the country. On the one hand, we are compelled to stretch the huge freight-
and flight-expenses on a rather long sojourn, on the other hand the relatively high living costs are somewhat contradictory.
What financially more favorable conditions Indonesia had to offer at that time! But we appreciate very
much the big security here too!
New Zealand: Danseys Pass - between Alexandra and Oamaru
Once we shall leave Dunedin at the end of the month, we shall drive the 435 miles pretty straight to the ferry in Picton –
we guess three days is enough. The sea journey takes about three hours over to the capital of Wellington on the North
Island. And then we hope to be able to deliver new pictures and informations from a completely different part of New

New Reports/Pictures

SOUTHEAST ASIA:                                      mouse over picture shows comments
               click a picture to see details


(Febr. 2008)

Philippines: Ricefields near Sagada/Mountain Province/Northern Luzon

Timor-Leste (Mainland)
(May 2007)
Com/Timor-Leste: Traditional Fataluku house
(May 2007)

Oecussi/Timor-Leste: Landscape East of Oecussi-'Town'

(Island of Borneo), Part 2
(Nov. 2006)
Kuching/Sarawak/East-Malaysia (Borneo): Proboscis monkey in Bako National Park
(Island of Borneo)
(Oct. 2006)

Mount Kinabalu/Sabah/East-Malaysia (Borneo): Early Morning View

(Sept. 2006)
Brunei (Borneo): ’The 'Ali Saifuddien'-Mosque at sunset in Bandar Seri Begawan
(Island of Borneo), Part 1
(June - Aug. 2006)

Miri/Sarawak/East-Malaysia (Borneo): Traditional stilt houses reflecting in the water of the Miri River

(May 2006)
Myanmar: Waiting for customers in Kawthoung
Temples, Pagodas, Shrines 

People, Beaches, Nature

(Nov. 1993 - Jan. 1994)
(Nov. - Dec. 2005)
(Febr. - April 2006)
Thailand: Ho Phra I-Suan Temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat


(February 2006)

Laos: The ’Patuxai’, the Laotian replica of the French ’Arc de Triomphe’ in Paris


(January 2006)
Vietnam: Two women cultivating a rice field


(December 2005)

Cambodia: The main temple of Angkor Wat with its five towers viewed from the hill of the ’Phnom Bakheng’ - Temple


(Oct. - Nov. 2005)
Malaysia: The four minarets of the ’Sultan Salahuddin’ State Mosque in Shah Alam are visible already from far


(September 2005)

Singapore: High-rise buildings pop up everywhere - here behind the Parliament House


(September 2005)

Macao: The ’St. Paul’ ruin is an inspiring sight also at night

Hong Kong

(September 2005)


Hong Kong:From ’Hong Kong Peak’ we get an excellent view of the ’skyscraper jungle’
+ our New Zealand Trip, 4th part

South to North Island – May- 2008

+ our New Zealand Trip, 3rd part

South Island – April 2008

+ our New Zealand Trip, 2nd part

South Island – March 2008

+ our New Zealand Trip, 1st part

South Island – Febr.-March 2008

+ our Hong Kong Trip

Hong Kong – Dec. 2007+Jan. 2008

+ our Taiwan Trip, 3rd part

Taipei-Taitung-Kaohsiung – Nov. 2007

+ our Taiwan Trip, 2nd part
Taitung-Southern Cross-Island Highway-
Siraya National Scenic Area (Zengwun Reservoir)-
Alishan NSA-Sun Moon Lake NSA-Taroko National Park-
Suao-Hualien Highway-Taipei – Oct.+Nov. 2007
+ our Taiwan Trip, 1st part

Kaohsiung-Kenting-Taitung – Oct. 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 6th part

Kalimantan – July 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, within the 5th part

Tana Toraja (Toraja-Land) – June+July 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 5th part

Sulawesi – June+July 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 4th part

Sumba, West Timor – May+June 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 3rd part

Lombok, Sumabawa, Flores – April 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 2nd part

Bali – Jan.-March 2007

+ our Indonesia Trip, 1st part

Sumatra, Java – Dec. 2006

+ our Borneo Trip

Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, Kalimantan – Sept.-Nov. 2006

+ our LandCruiser on a "Rejuvenation Cure"

in Miri/Sarawak - the East Malaysian province on Borneo Engine/Body: June-Aug. 2006/Transmission: Sept. 2007

+ added from a earlier visit to the USA:

Las Vegas    (Millennium change)

+ added from our Arabian Peninsula round trip:

Pictures from Yemen (May-June 1996)

+ Flashbacks of our Worldrecordtour:

Pictures from "all the continents" (Oct. 1984 - April 1997)

+ Follow-ups about Toyota-Experiences:
Encounters resp. "Ups + Downs" with
Toyota Companies since 1982
On July 7th, 2005, we were able to celebrate after a journey through 150 countries the car's
600'000th Kilometer - very prosaic in front of the post office in Cayenne/French Guiana.
Are you interested into the LandCruiser History, prepared by Toyota Motor Sales USA and taken over by
Toyota Motor United Kingdom? (after some loading-time please klick "IN LEGEND" and afterwards "HAIR TO MAGELLAN
- and you will see that we already belong to it too!)


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