French Polynesia Map
Moorea Map
Map of
the Pacific
- latest picture: October 2, 2009
- click a picture to see details



- 101
The Moorea-Ferry is carrying us
- to Moorea, the sister island of Tahiti:
- Moorea is known as one of the most
- beautiful islands of the Pacific. The
- crossing takes between 1¼ and ½ hour,
- depending on the ferry type and the fare
- 102
The three of us at the famous
- Cooks Bay with its stunning mountain
- peaks that rise from the lagoon
- almost vertically into the sky. In
- the background Mt. Mouaroa
- (aka Mt. Bali Hai) (2887ft.)
- 103
The Cruise Ship Paul Gauguin
- drops anchor at Cooks Bay.
- A 7-day cruise through the
- Society Islands starts at
- US$ 3'000 per person!
- Dark clouds are sailing across the bizarre mountain scenery, as we are approaching
Moorea, the little sister of Tahiti, said to be one of the
most beautiful of the Pacific islands: It is half time
of our journey in French Polynesia, September 15th, 2009. A small landing place at the
foot of a vertically rising mountain, a small marina this is the picture we see
when the Moorea Ferry docks in Vaiare on the East coast. The many cars parked along the
road confirm that the two islands have developed a busy commuter system. One million
people a year apparently cross to the main island of Tahiti to work with the frequently
operating car ferries and high speed catamarans. What is 30 minutes of sea journey
compared to the waiting time in the long queues of stop and go traffic during
Papeetes rush hours?



- 104
Club Bali Hai resort at
- Cooks Bay in Paopao in
- the evening light
- 105
The peaks at Cooks Bay are
- draped in clouds. In the background
- Mt. Mouaroa (aka Mt. Bali Hai)
- 106
View from Belvédère lookout
- to Cooks Bay (right) and Opunohu
- Bay (left), separated by the 1½ mile
- wide and 2950ft. high Mt Rotui
- Past the small airport, we drive first North, then West, directly towards the famous
Cooks Bay, where Astrid, our host in Tahiti, has organized a
bungalow for us in Paopao at a remote relative. There are no street names. We only have a
sketch, the name of Elvina and her phone number. Following the description, we branch off
at the Mobil gas station into a small potholed earth track, leading towards the mountains
and pull out to call up.



- 107
A Marae a traditional
- Polynesian open air place of worship
- in Paopaos chestnut forest .....
- 108
..... only a few steps away,
- there is a second Marae
- (named Ahu-o-Mahine) .....
- 109
..... we encounter
- both on our forest hike in
- the Opunohu Valley
- Can we help you? A pick-up has stopped beside us and three Polynesian ladies
smile at us broadly. We have seen you on TV. How long are you staying in
Moorea? When we tell them, that we will remain two, may be even three weeks, they
look at us with amazement, because normal tourists plan two, the most three
days. Maire, that is the name of the elderly lady, cultivates a pineapple plantation and
she spontaneously invites us to live at her place should we decide to stay longer than the
booked fortnight. Moorea with only 15000 people being a kind of a village, everyone
knows everyone. Though the trio knows also Elvina and they guide us to her house. We were
not far from it.



- 110
- 111
- 112
- For celebrations, the Polynesian ladies are adorned by freshly made flower garlands
- When the green sliding gate opens, we immediately feel attracted by the wonderful
garden. Red ginger, hibiscus, passion flowers, jasmine, orchids, palm and pandanus trees,
bananas, papaya, and breadfruit everything is flowering and growing in abundance.
And in the middle of it sits our spacious wooden Polynesian-style bungalow
with big fiberglass windows. It contains everything to make us feel comfortable. Outside,
on one side runs a small creek, on the other side we look at high mountain peaks, and on
foot only a couple of minutes away we are at the beautiful Cooks Bay,
surrounded by stunning scenery. Puce Puce, the young dog greets us joyfully
like old friends.



- 113
The over water bungalows of the
- Sofitel Ia Ora Beach Resort
- a typical Polynesian holiday paradise
- 114
The sun sets at Cooks Bay
- 115
The Sofitel Ia Ora Hotel at the quiet
- Nuarei Bay, which is open for the public
- in the back the rough Pacific Ocean
- Then we meet Elvina, our 59 year old lady host. She is friendly, talkative and as a
welcome gift, we receive banana and papaya from her garden. The price of US$ 30 a night on
a two weeks basis is a good deal in otherwise expensive Moorea. There is only one
drawback: There is no internet and one hour in an internet cafe costs 1000 CFP = US$ 12.
Separated by a flower hedge the hosts bungalow stands nearly hidden between all the
greenery. Next to it we discover a small shed with an old bathtub and wood piled along the
wall. Fire is made the traditional Polynesian way underneath a tub to get hot water. Taro
(traditional Polynesian vegetable), tomatoes and beans are growing behind the house.



- 116
Our home for two weeks in
- Paopao (US$30/day/bungalow) .....
- 117
..... lunchtime (with kitchen)
- 118
..... and aside the traditional
- fare (bungalow) of our host
- Next morning we meander through the scenic Paopao Valley to the Belvédère viewpoint,
past pineapple plantations spreading on steep slopes. From there, we enjoy a lovely view
to the two deep Cooks Bay and Opunohu Bay. They are only 1.5 miles apart, separated by the
legendary 2950ft. high Mount Rotui. From the parking lot two paths lead into a moss
covered forest with beautiful chestnut tees. Wild cocks and chooks with chicks are pecking
around peacefully. What we like is that there is no restaurant, no eatery and no souvenir
shop on this viewing point. It is merely a simple turning point at the edge of the forest.



- 119
A peaceful sight to the
- Western shore of Cooks Bay
- 120
Panorama from a hill in
- Paopao at Cooks Bay of stunning
- Mt. Mouaroa (aka Mt. Bali Hai)
- 121
The small coastal stretch along
- the Western shore of Cooks Bay reveals
- us its beautiful scenery. The mountain in
- the clouds is Mt. Mouaputa (2723ft.),
- called also pierced mountain
- But it can get really busy though when a cruise ship with 2000+ passengers lies in
one of the bays. Then, everything with wheels shows up: Big buses, 4x4-safari-jeeps,
rollers and SUVs. Yes, and then suddenly our LandCruiser becomes also an attraction.
Memories of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean come back: There, we were already fully
integrated in the sightseeing program of commercial tours. We used to swim at a sandy
beach, lying also on their route. And each time they passed, the guide pointed to us and
we heard him explain: This car has traveled around the world and already visited 147
countries (by now it stands at 165). The tourists waved and we waved back. Here, it
is different. Here, people approach us personally and mostly it ends with an expression of
admiration and good wishes. If it is getting too crowded around our car, then we just stay



- Moorea is a unique tropical garden:
- 122
Passion flower: It blooms
- only for a single day
- 123
Torch Ginger (Porcelain Rose):
- A blossom of great beauty
- 124
Hibiscus: They are very often
- used to decorate hair and ears
- Moorea, actually an extinct crater, generates considerably more feeling of the South Pacific than Tahiti:
The white, though small sandy beaches (in Tahiti most of them are of black volcanic sand),
the crystal clear water of the lagoons sparkling in all imaginable shades of blue and
green, the coconut palm groves and not least the luxury thatched over water hotel
bungalows. Apparently their architecture is not an own invention, but copied from the
traditional fishing huts. But what especially highlights this only 51 sq.mi. big island
are its mountains that rise directly from the lagoon nearly vertically up to 4000ft.
They emerge around each corner and give the island its charming scenery and special



- 125
Mountain peaks pop up everywhere:
- Here Mt. Mouaroa (aka Mt. Bali Hai)
- seen from the Southwest coast
- 126
The church Eglise de la Sainte
- Famille in Haapiti on the Southwest coast
- sits in front of a dramatic mountain scenery
- 127
The narrow stretch of sandy beach at
- Hauru Point is considered as Mooreas most
- beautiful one. Here at Moorea-Camping
- There are no hectic noisy cities, only small coastal villages and no congested roads,
intensifying the feeling of peace. From every corner lush tropical green and a wealth of
exotic flowers are rising our spirits. Life is unhurried. People are waving and have time
for a chat. At one occasion, a woman gives us a bunch of ripe bananas, on another occasion
it is a man with two pineapples that currently are in harvest and sold at every corner.
They taste very sweet and are also processed into juice and marmalade. Moorea is the
center of pineapple production in French Polynesia. An export market apparently does not
exist yet.



- 128
The palm-fringed Moorea
- Beachcomber Intercontinental Resort
- one of the most exclusive hotels lies in
- the Western part of the North coast
- 129
View from the beach bungalows
- of the Moorea Beachcomber Inter-
- continental Resort to the hillside
- bungalows of the Legend Resort
- 130
Over water bungalow ghetto
- of the Hilton Moorea Lagon Resort
- Already on our second day on the island, we are circumnavigating the whole of it. On the
narrow, windy only 37 miles long coastal ring road we are sometimes really hampering the
traffic with our slow moving. Occasionally, a driver is pushing behind us. Emil always
hates being a traffic obstacle. But we are not here to race, but to enjoy the panorama and
nature. And this we do intensively by pulling out often.



- 131
Beach and main complex of the
- Hilton Moorea Lagon Resort .....
- 132
Over water bungalows of the
- Hilton Moorea Lagon Resort
- with mountain view .....
- 133
..... and the perfect South
- seas dream respectively illusion
- Continuing in the East, we drive past the capital city, or more accurately the islands
administration center of Afareaitu. What Lonely Planet writes is right: Dont
blink or you will miss it! Towards the South, villages have even a sleepier and more
forgotten character. It is really a delight to drive in our own pace through this exotic
tropical scenery and to stop at azure lagoons to enjoy the many colorful fishes.



- 134
A huge mega cruise ship
- dropped anchor in the Opunohu Bay
- 135
The restored octagonal church
- of the London Missionary Society,
- built around 1870, is the oldest standing
- European building in the South Pacific
- 136
Lunch break at the Western
- shore of the Opunohu Bay with
- a view of the cruise ship
- On the West coast, we have a look at the only two campings. Both are really beautifully
situated at the same white sandy stretch of beach directly on the blue-green shimmering
lagoon a zone protected by the reef. No doubt it would have been an option, were we
not offered a bungalow that is even cheaper than camping (costs US$ 60 for 2/day). Of
course, we pay also a visit to the adjacent expensive Hotel Intercontinental, whose over
water bungalows we do not really like (Hilton is more our taste, it has a more of a
personal touch), costing from CFP 91000, approx. US$ 1070/day. On the other
hand, we are very much attracted to its dolphin basin, where one can swim with the animals
and even kiss them for a lot of money of course. We are happy just to watch them at
play and enjoy their acrobatic backflip, what is free of charge!



- 137
Tattooing is part of the resurgence
- of the Polynesian culture awareness.
- It is a very painful procedure
- 138
A beautiful example
- of a tattooing
- 139
Hand carved souvenirs from wood
- at a tourist exhibition at the former
- compound of Club Med at Hauru Point
- September 29th, 2009: Rain is pouring down heavily as it has done already the past three
days. Around 10am, a siren interrupts the rush and does not want to stop. Strange, may be
they probe and exercise, we think and are not paying anymore attention to it until Elvina,
who works nearby, suddenly stands in front of our bungalow and shouts excitedly: A
Tsunami is coming, but no panic!. And away she speeds with her small car and leaves
us in uncertainty. We try to get out more via the cellular, but the phone net work already
broke down. When we see that there is a lot of movement in the Renault garage nearby, that
cars are sheltered, the door closed and that Elvinas friend drives away with the
second car as well, our alarm bells are ringing too.



- 140
Emil on our hike to the old crater rim,
- called Three Coconut Trees Pass .....
- 141
..... a hidden small
- waterfall along the way .....
- 142
..... and Emil on
- the natural swing
- In a rush, we pack our laptops, our backpack with the money and identification papers,
our cameras and what else is in reach, into the car, shut off the gas stove where I was
precooking two chicken legs for lunch and shut down the windows and doors. Only the
sliding gate we do not close completely leaving a way of escape for Puce Puce,
the dog. Then we drive the narrow earth track hill-up and finally stop at a flat, private
spot, where more cars are parked. There, we feel safe.



- 143
A lovely forest flower that
- grows directly out of the tree trunk
- 144
A rolled up fern leaf
- bud that is unraveling to open
- 145
A Pandanus tree
- draped with Spanish moss
- Shortly afterwards, the owner of the place, who is living further up, comes down in his
pickup truck. He is able to give us the latest information he got from TV: The tidal wave
is coming from Samoa. The quake struck at a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale and the
urgent safety measures for Moorea was set to 16ft. above sea level (for the Marquesas
Islands 33ft.). The Tsunami is expected to hit Moorea between 10 and 11am. We glance at
our watch. It is 10.45am. Did eventually the all-clear message already occur? To be on the
safe side, we decide to stay one more hour on higher ground. Automatically, our thoughts
go to the two Samoas Samoa and American Samoa. How badly have they been affected? Are our
friends there safe?



- 146
Half way to the Three Coconut
- Trees Pass we enjoy a lovely view
- down to Opunohu Bay .....
- 147
..... on the pass, another
- stunning mountain peak is greeting,
- Mt. Mouaroa (2887ft.) .....
- 148
..... and on the other side the
- view reaches down to the Pacific
- Ocean near Haapiti in the Southwest
- Marcel the father of the pickup driver who has just been evacuated from
the coast by his son, comes walking down the hill. He is an 80 years old Frenchman,
bearing his age very well. He came to Moorea when he was 20 with no money, but good ideas.
He developed a new technique in the pineapple cultivation, enabling growing fruit
all-year-round. You can plan the exact day when you want to harvest the
fruits, he adds proudly. By the way: What happened actually to the famous Club
Med, we ask him during our conversation. The landowners wanted to increase the
rent too much, therefore it left Moorea is his comment. He apparently was their
supplier of oranges. With its closure, not only his source of income was lost, but also
200 jobs. Today, the once famous and lovely holiday resort is just decaying.



- 149
Liliana enjoys the mountain hike
- 150
A plant of the Pandanus family
- that is growing only on higher elevations
- 151
A glittering small lizard
- that is escaping
- Who does not automatically associate the South Pacific
with sunshine and blue skies? Well, we had to learn otherwise. Since we arrived in Moorea
nearly two weeks ago, the sunny days are rather rare. We already are afraid that we will
have to renounce hiking to the old crater rim, to the Col des Trois Cocotiers,
the Three Coconut Tree Pass. But on the last day before our departure, luck is
on our side. We start from the Belvédère viewpoint through the forest with stately chest
nut trees, mosses, lichens, knobbed twigs in all imaginable shapes and rich tropical
foliage. Already from far we hear the rush of the small hidden waterfall and shortly after
we already cross the splashing creek for the first time.



- 152
Lantana, a flower with a
- surprising variety of colors
- 153
Strelitzia the bird-of-paradise
- flower fan out in abundance
- 154
Hibiscus flowers bloom in many
- colors. The white ones are not so common
- We encounter no other hikers. The tour groups have not enough time, and individuals are
scarce. Luck for us! And luck for Emil who walks in front of me. He spots a rare green
dove that, disturbed by his presence, escapes. The track is badly signposted and I am glad
that I can rely on his good sense of orientation. When after one and a half hour we are
standing sweating on the knife edge of the old crater rim, the Three Coconut Trees
Pass the name is a kind of misnomer now that only one palm tree remains, the
two other ones having been destroyed by a cyclone we are rewarded with an awesome
view: On one side we look down to Cooks and Opunohu Bay, and on the other side to Haapiti
village with its turquoise lagoon. Red button flowers and Pandanus are growing; Spanish
moss is decorating its twigs. This lovely hike awakens the desire of more, but
unfortunately tomorrow our time in Moorea is running out.



- 155
A White Eye Bird is
- feeding on a ripe Papaya fruit
- 156
A Red-Browed Finch is sitting
- on a twig draped with Spanish moss
- 157
Atoll Fruit-Dove wearing
- the camouflage of the forest
- Also on our last day, we are sitting at the shore of Cooks Bay and watch the world goes
by. Cruise ship tourists are ferried with a life-boat across the bay to their cruiser
Paul Gaugin, followed by musicians carrying their instruments and flower
adorned dancers who will entertain them on the vessel on the last day of their one week
long cruise. At the same time also the catamaran is sailing away to its daily sunset tour.
When it is also gone, it is getting quiet around us. On the other side of the lagoon, the
skies start to change into a soft golden color. In the blue water below us yellow, black
and striped fishes, once even an octopus, are playing around. Black sea cucumbers are
lying motionless between corals. Slowly the steep mountain peaks are darkening, outlining
strikingly against the last daylight. The feeling of peace is total no sunset
cruise can replace it.



- 158
The peaceful Paopao Valley,
- where pineapples are cultivated
- 159
..... two Pineapple fields nestling
- between trees at the foot of a mountain
- 160
..... Pineapple cultivation
- in its initial stage
- I do not believe that the ferry will run with this storm, Emil doubts, when
next day, October 1st, we are driving along the coast towards the ferry terminal to catch
the last ride at 3.15pm. The sea is agitated; the waves are topped with white crests.
According to the internet, they reach 12ft. altitude. May be I should take two sea
sickness tablets, I worry. A few cars are already lined up at the ferry terminal. I
am going to check the situation, Emil exclaims and disappears. I am waiting in the
car. After 15 minutes he returns. The ferry just berthed, I had to secure it, nobody
was there, he tells me with a smile.



- 161
Pomelos that are hanging
- in bunches on trees
- 162
A Bananito plant whose
- small fruits are however not edible
- 163
Annona, a spiny
- fruit of the tropics
- Is this a joke? Not really believing him and looking at him doubtfully, he continues:
One of the guys on the bridge with a rope in the hand pointed at me and waved like
crazy. I got to understand and ran to catch the rope and secured it around the pole.
We wonder if it always works that way! We sit on the upper deck until a high water
fountain drenches us and forces us to move inside. It is cracking, rolling and rocking so
that we have to cling to the bench. We are worrying about the safety of our LandCruiser.
No truck and no car have been lashed down. Lets hope for the best!



- 164
Selling freshly caught fish in
- Paopao; from time to time it gets watered
- 165
Puce Puce, the
- dog who adopted us
- 166
Constructing equipment disappearing
- slowly in the re-growing jungle
- With each mile we sail away from the striking mountain backdrop of Moorea, we know with
certainty that the climax of our South Pacific Cruise with our LandCruiser is
now lying definitely behind us. None of the other islands was capable to produce such an
intense feeling of paradise as did Moorea. This island with the shape of a heart is and
remains for us the epitome of the South Pacific.



- 167
The nostalgic four-master
- Star Flyer in the Opunohu Bay
- 168
The Moorea-Ferry that brings
- us in a stormy sea back to Tahiti
- 169
We say good-by to Moorea.
- Its beauty became the quintessence
- of the South Pacific for us
- Other websites from Tahiti: