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Pictures of our 2nd Africa trip 2015 to South Africa
- Part 2 from Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park (February 24th to March 13th, 2015)
3rd Major Repair of our LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982  (due to two broken sideshafts)
South Africa Part 1 from Namibia border to Capetown January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
Angola Part 2 October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Angola Part 1 September 26th to October 4th, 2014
Namibia Part 2 from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
Namibia Part 1 from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
Cape Verde (totally 9 websites) see below
South Africa Part 3 from Addo National Park to the Lesotho border March 13th to April 7th, 2015
Lesotho April 7th to 15th, 2015
South Africa Part 4 from the Lesotho to the Swaziland border April 15th to 23rd, 2015
Swaziland April 23rd to 28th, 2015
South Africa Part 5 from the Swaziland to the Botswana border  April 28th to May 15th, 2015
Armed Robbery in Malawi on July 31st/August 1st, 2015
Ethiopia Part 1 – from Kenya to Djibouti October 25th to November 18th, 2015
Djibouti October 18th to 27th, 2015
Ethiopia Part 2 – from Djibouti to Sudan November 27th to December 9th, 2015
Sudan December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016
Saudi Arabia January 9th to 12th, 2016
South Africa Map
                        Southern Africa Map
latest picture: March 12, 2015
  • click a picture to see details

091  The Moederkerk Church
(Motherchurch) is the oldest church in the
touristy colonial town of Stellenbosch, built
1719-1723. Stellenbosch lies about 30 miles
[50km] east of Capetown in the well-known
South African Cape wine-producing region
092  Giraffes in every size in a souvenir shop
of Stellenbosch: N.B. – Giraffes (Giraffa
camelopardalis) require only between
10 minutes to two hours sleep within
24 hours. They eat daily 140 pounds [63kg]
of leaves and twigs
093  At the “Mountain Breeze Caravan
Park” in Stellenbosch we meet again
Ruedi and Julie with their three cute
children Ella, Markus and Noah. We got
to know Ruedi and Julie 2006 in Brunei
094  Many buildings in Stellenbosch
with its glowing white facades are
typical for the Cape Dutch architectural
style of the Western Cape
095  View over Gordon’s Bay beach
in an eastern corner of False Bay in the
Western Cape Province
096  Where the mountain meets the sea:
Wild coastal stretch between Gordon’s
Bay and Kleinmond – in the background
the Kogelberg mountain range
097  The flowers resembling daisies are
capable to storage water in their leaves. They
belong to the succulent plants and are native
to the Fynbos region in the Western Cape
098  Blossoming Fynbos scrub in the
Western Cape Region in shiny
yellow and white …..
099  ….. and blue. The richness of the
variety in this heathland is overwhelming
100  Sugarbushes (Protea) are flowering
on a bush in the mountainous Western Cape.
The King Protea (Protea cynaroides)
is South Africa‘s national flower
101  Two water-lilies (Nymphaea)
unfold their full beauty. There shall be
worldwide about 50 different species
(white, pink, red, blue etc.)
102  The orange blossoms of the
honeysuckle flower (Lonicera) are a magnet
for honeyeater birds (Meliphagidae)
103  Cafes, shops and restaurants line
the streets of Hermanus in the Western
Cape. The town is especially famous for
its wale watching from June till December
104  Wine tasting is very popular in the
Cape Region and not a bad pastime!
105  Vineyards as far as the eye can reach.
The Cape wine is exported across the globe
106  A cute rock hyrax (Procavia
capensis) is relaxing. It resembles
outwardly a groundhog/marmot, lives
mostly on rocky terrain and can reach
an age of seven to ten years
107  A rare sight: A white springbok
(Antidorcas marsupialis) and its fellow
member of the same species on the tramp.
It’s actually not an albino but another
“color phase”
108  ”Sorry – it does not go any faster!“
says the leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys
pardalis) and continues its own way
109  The long and wide sandy beach
at Struisbaai beach in the Western Cape
invites to long strolls. It is the most
westerly village along the Indian Ocean
110  Red blood lilies (Haemanthus
coccineus) bloom at slopes near the ocean
in the Cape region – here at Cape Agulhas,
the southernmost tip in Africa
111  The fiscal flycatcher (Sigelus silens)
is watching the world from its vantage point
112  Remembrance picture near the
lighthouse at Cape Agulhas, the most
southerly point of the African Continent.
It has been put into operation for the
first time on March 1st, 1849
113  A sense of beauty: The immaculate
white church in Struisbaai in its Cape Dutch
architecture in the Western Cape province
114  March 1st, 2015: We reached for the
second time Cape Agulhas, the most southerly
tip of the African Continent and the geo-
graphical border between the Atlantic and
Indian Ocean. The first time was on March
5th, 1992. In the meantime we drove 282’755
miles [455’050km] through 128 new countries
115  Idyll at the Breede River at
Bontebok National Park, situated
3 miles [5km] southeast of the
historic little city of Swellendam
116  A common waxbill (Estrilda astrild),
passerine bird, inspects the shore of the
Breede River in the Bontebok National Park
117  The shores of the meandering
Breede River in the Bontebok National Park
are covered with common water hyacinths
(Eichhornia crassipes). It’s native to the
Amazon basin and is seen in many places
as a rampant spreading pest
On the Breede River in the Bontebok National Park we experience the stunning changes of nature at different times of the day
118  Morning: With the backdrop of the
Langeberg mountain range, the Breede
River meanders through dense undergrowth
119  Afternoon: The grass is streaked with
gold in the approaching thundering front
120  Evening: Dramatic colors paint the sky
121  ”What is going on?“ The southern
masked weaver bird (Ploceus velatus)
is looking attentively downward
122  A speckled mousebird (Colius striatus)
is basking in the first rays of sun
123  Really sweet: The cape robin
(Cossypha caffra), like #116 a passerine
bird, follows Liliana wherever she goes,
either on the ground or in the air
124  A Cape Sparrow (Passer melanurus)
is hopping around on the grass
125  Every evening, the two white-throated
swallows (Hirundo albigularis) sleep on the fire
extinguishers positioned in the ablution block of
the Bontebok “Lang Elsie's Kraal Rest Camp”
126  ”Is everything clear?“ The striped
mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) scurries from
the bush looking for food and disappears
in a flash at the slightest movement
127  A Bontebok (Damaliscus
pygargus pygarus) is grazing peacefully
on the campsite. Once critically endangered,
the number of this antelope in the
Bontebok National Park has increased
again to 200 and worldwide to 3‘000
128  On the Acacia Trail in the
Bontebok National Park a honeysuckle
flower (Lonicera) is sprouting out
of the dry grass
129  A big leafless tree rises against an
electric blue sky in the Bontebok National
Park making Liliana look very small
On discovery tour through the Fynbos landscape of the Bontebok National Park lying at the foot of the majestic
Langeberg mountain range. Fynbos flourishes in the temperate climate with winter rains
133  The “Dutch Reform Church” in
Swellendam belongs to the Cape Dutch
architecture buildings. Swellendam is the
third oldest town in South Africa
134  Historic ”Drostdy“ in Stellendam
dates from 1747 and hosts today a museum
135  Special bush vegetation dominates
the landscape in Little Karoo around the
“Warmwaterberg Spa Resort”
136  Our peaceful campsite at the
“Warmwaterberg Spa Resort” between
Barrydale and Ladismith in Little Karoo …..
137  ….. where a peacock family
(Pavo cristatus) strolls around. The
brightly colored males rest and the females
are searching for food with their offspring
138  View from the foothills of the
Warmwaterberg mountains over the
”Little Karoo“, a semi-desert region south
of the Swartberg mountain range
139  Sisal plants (Avave sisalana) with
its clusters of yellow flowers are towering
from the plain. They reach a height from
10 to 20 ft. [3 to 6m] and bloom only once
140  Curious ostriches (Struthio camelus)
on a Ostrich Farm near Oudtshoorn.
These flightless birds can live up to 75 years
141  Sweeping view over the coastal town
of Mossel Bay from 2’820 ft. [860m] high
Robinson Pass on the R328, which
connects Oudtshoorn and Mossel Bay
142  A flowering Fynbos plant on the
2’822 ft. [860m] high Robinson Pass
in the Outeniqua Mountains
143  The survival ability of nature: A
honeysuckle flower (Lonicera) is blooming out
of a rock crevice on the 2’822 ft. [860m] high
Robinson Pass in the Outeniqua Mountains
between Oudtshoorn and Mossel Bay
144  An orange-colored ‚redhot poker’,
called also tritoma torch lily or knofflers
(Kniphofia uvaria), on the Robinson Pass
between Oudtshoorn and Mossel Bay
145  View from the uptown residential area
”Knysna Heads“ on the Garden Route over to
the “Featherbed Private Nature Reserve” that
separates the tranquil lagoon formed by the
Knysna River from the pounding sea …..
146  ….. the snow-white mini-lighthouse
at the ”Heads“ that watches over the
mouth of the Knysna River …..
147  ….. and the sandstone cliffs of the
„Featherbed Private Nature Reserve“
that prevent the pounding ocean surf
from entering the lagoon
148  View over the Knysna lagoon
with “Leisure Island” from the viewpoint
Emu Cres on the ”Knysna Heads“
149  The snow white blossom of the
Gardenia bush (Gardenia thunbergia)
150  Lovely view over the beaches and
clear blue water of Plettenberg Bay on the
”Garden Route”. The Keurbooms River flows
from the left (= North) into the sea. In the
background the Tsitsikamma Mountains
151  The old road (#R102) through the
Tsitsikamma National Park to Storms River
leads us to the blue shining Groot River that
meanders through lush green vegetation …..
152  ….. to a secluded little cove along
the Groot River near Nature’s Valley
that invites for a swim …..
153  ….. and to a spectacular panorama
from the height over the Groot River lagoon,
the beach and the sea. On the right the
village of Nature’s Valley
154  Who is walking so lonely around
the meadow? – it’s a blacksmith lapwing
(Vanellus armatus)
155  The spotted running frog
(Kassina maculata). Is it really
running or just hopping?
156  The characteristic of the hoopoe
(Upupa epops) is its beautiful distinctive
”crown“, i.e. feather crest
157  A healthy mountain cypress
(cedar) (Widdringtonia nodiflora) with
its clusters of still green closed cones
158  View into the Groote River valley in
Tsitsikamma National Park along the R102,
not far from Nature’s Valley (see pic. #153)
159  A pine (Pinus), also known as
conifer, raises towards the sky
160  Against the dark backdrop, the
yellow blossoms of a Fynbos brush
flower shine even more intensively
161  When the common heather (erica)
flowers (Calluna vulgaris) are in full
bloom, they transform the landscape
into a beautiful pink carpet
162  A flowering eucalyptus tree
(Corymbia ficifolia) with its
clusters of red blossoms is a
beautiful example of nature
163  Emil is balancing on the swinging
suspension bridge that spans 253 ft. [77m]
across the waters of the Storms River mouth
in the Tsitsikamma National Park …..
164  ….. a boat trip through the wild
Storms River Gorge is regarded as the
highlight of a visit to the park .....
165  ….. in the humid climate also the
white calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
with its fleshy huge leaves is growing
166  Rika and Robert from Holland,
exploring Southern Africa for six months
with their LandCruiser, enjoy their camping
life in the Tsitsikamma National Park
167  The Cape Gull (Larus dominicanus)
on the cliff has every reason to ‘laugh’
having nature for itself
168  The coastal wildness of the Tsitsi-
kamma National Park covers more than
50 miles [80km]. The park was established
in 1994, and has been amalgamated 2009
into the Garden Route National Park
Continuation to the next South African page: South Africa Part 3 March 13th to April 7th, 2015, from Addo National Park to the Lesotho border
The African trip 2013-15:
CapeVerde: Santiago/Praia part 1 – November18th to December 13th, 2013
CapeVerde: Fogo – Dezember13th to 23rd, 2013
CapeVerde: Brava – December 23rd to 26th, 2013
Cape Verde: Santiago/Praia part 2 – December 26th, 2013 to February 28th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Nicolau – February 28th to March 13th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 1 – March 13th to 20th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Eastern side part 1 – March 20th to April 7th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Western side part 2April 7th to 10th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 2April 10th to 29th, 2014
Namibia Part 1 from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
Angola Part 1 September 26th to October 4th, 2014
Angola Part 2 October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Namibia Part 2 from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
3rd Major Repair of our LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982  (due to two broken sideshafts)