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Pictures of our 2nd Africa trip 2015 to South Africa
- Part 3 from Addo National Park to the Lesotho border (March 13th to April 7th, 2015)
South Africa Part 2 from Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park February 24th to March 13th, 2015
3rd Major Repair of our LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982  (due to two broken sideshafts)
South Africa Part 1 from Namibia border to Capetown January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
Angola Part 2 October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Angola Part 1 September 26th to October 4th, 2014
Namibia Part 2 from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
Namibia Part 1 from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
Cape Verde (totally 9 websites) see below
Lesotho April 7th to 15th, 2015
South Africa Part 4 from the Lesotho to the Swaziland border April 15th to 23rd, 2015
Swaziland April 23rd to 28th, 2015
South Africa Part 5 from the Swaziland to the Botswana border  April 28th to May 15th, 2015
Armed Robbery in Malawi on July 31st/August 1st, 2015
Ethiopia Part 1 – from Kenya to Djibouti October 25th to November 18th, 2015
Djibouti October 18th to 27th, 2015
Ethiopia Part 2   from Djibouti to Sudan November 27th to December 9th, 2015
Sudan December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016
Saudi Arabia January 9th to 12th, 2016
South Africa Map
                        Southern Africa Map
latest picture: April 7, 2015
  • click a picture to see details

169  Addo Elephant National Park: Elephants
(Loxodonta africana) are trotting through a
bush path to the next waterhole. Herds are
made up of related females and their young,
led by the eldest female, called the matriarch
170  A group of elephants at the Marion
Baree Waterhole: They pop their trunk
into the remaining sparse water to quench
their thirst. An elephant needs up to
26 gallons [100 lt.] of water a day
171  Two elephant babies wallow and
squirt each other with mud. They are
surrounded with love, care and
watchfulness of the adults
172  Guided by the matriarch, the
herd moves to the next waterhole. The
matriarch shows the other members of
the herd the water sources she knows,
which the rest can memorize for the future
173  Confidently, the elephant baby follows
the two adults at Hapoor Dam. Elephants
live in a matriarchal society. Females are
dominant in family groups
174  Safaris today! The tourist run at the
Hapoor Dam waterhole! Today about
600 elephants live in the 180‘000 hectares
comprising Addo Elephant National Park.
The yearly number of visitors is about
140’000 – thus sometimes humans
outnumber the elephants in the park
175  At specially designated lookout
points it’s allowed to leave the car.
Emil enjoys the sweeping view over the
plain of Addo Elephant National Park
176  The track meanders through a
part of the Addo sanctuary where dense
vegetation prevents spotting animals
177  Who is approaching? Does the
singular beauty of these curved horns
eventually belong to a Kudu? Yes, it’s a
Greater Kudu bull (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
178  Common zebras (Equus quagga)
are waiting until the African buffalo
(Syncerus caffer) has quenched its thirst.
Buffalos are gregarious animals and often
live in herds of several thousands
179  The intensive brown of the coat
and its peculiar curved horns belong to
the African red hartebeest antelope
(Alcelaphus buselaphus)
180  African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer)
and warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus)
are sharing the waterhole
181  Ostriches (Struthio camelus) and
elephants (Loxodonta africana): Ostriches
can live up to 75 years. They swallow pebbles
that help to grind the swallowed foodstuff. An
adult carries about 1kg of stones in its stomach
182  A pale chanting goshawk (Melierax
canorus) – a bird of prey – sits majestically
on a dry branch. It hunts lizards,
insects and small mammals
183  Common elands (Taurotragus oryx):
With 25 miles per hour [40km/h] they
are the slowest antelopes
184  Around the little pond at the
”Homestead Caravan Park“ in Addo weaver
birds (Ploceus velatus) have built their nests
on the deep hanging branches of a conifer …..
185  ….. just besides reed is growing,
which fronds are glistening beautifully
light purple in the sun
186  The red torch ginger (Etlingera
elatior) with its crimson wax like flowers
blossomed in the garden of the
”Homestead Caravan Park“ in Addo
187  During the flowering season, the
yucca (mound lily) (Yucca gloriosa)
exposes its dense white ”bellflowers“
188  The sky behind the stately palm tree
is streaked rose as the sun disappears
189  Honeysuckle (Lonicera): Once a
blossom variation of color with red pistils
190  In a field of columnar cacti
(Echinopsis) a few start to flower …..
191  ….. their sparkling white blossoms
are a feast for the eyes in the dry landscape
192  Common daisies (Bellis perennis)
are always an enjoyable sight. They are
also suitable to make flower chains
193  View from Camdeboo National
Park over the historical town of Graaf-
Reinet, also called the ”Juwel of Karoo“.
It is surrounded by the foothills of the
Sneeuberg mountains and the fourth
oldest European city in South Africa
194  The “Dutch Reformed Church” in
Graaff-Reinet is a small copy of the
Salisbury Cathedral in England. It belongs
to the over 200 beautiful historic buildings
that now mostly are in private possession …..
195  ….. another view of the church
in the Gothic style, built 1886
196  From the cliffs viewpoint at the
77 sq.mi. [200km²] big Camdeboo
National Park the view stretches
over the timeless dry Karoo plain
in the Eastern Cape province
197  Liliana is admiring in the ”Valley of
Desolation“ of the Camdeboo National Park
the very old and up to 330 ft. [100m] tall
pillars, called dolerite, which were formed by
erosion over a period of 200 million years
198  Our LandCruiser is on its way
down from the hills of the Camdeboo
National Park to the Nqweba Dam
where bucks are grazing on the green
belt of its shore
199  Evening mood over the Nqweba
Dam at the Camdeboo National Park
200  Always a lovely sight: A rainbow
spanning over the skies
201  There is a tangible tranquility over the
4 sq.mi. [10.3km²] small Nqweba Dam
in the Camdeboo National Park
202  We are criss-crossing the little
lonely paths in the Camdeboo
National Park
203  A female nyala (Tragelaphus angasii):
Nyalas are very shy and cautious. They are
mainly active in the early morning and late
afternoon when it is not yet too hot
204  A yellow ‚redhot poker’, called
also tritoma torch lily or knofflers
(Kniphofia uvaria), in the
Camdeboo National Park
205  A beauty of a foam grasshopper
(Orthoptera) in its sparkling dark
blue-red colors, with the ‘binomial
name’ (Dictyophorus spumans)
206  The long needles of this spiky
small “floor cacti” (Echinocereus)
glow like silver in the sunlight
207  Watch out! They are long, thick,
hard and spiky. Those acacia thorns
have already punctured many tires,
particularly on the sidewall
208  Fast driven white clouds sail
over pristine land. View from
Wapadsberg pass towards northwest
and the Northern Cape province
209  A short break on the R61 to enjoy
the view in direction east over the
vastness and solitude of the region
210  Doornhoek Dam in the 110 sq.mi.
[284km²] big Mountain Zebra National
Park, 7½ miles west of Cradock
in the Eastern Cape
211  Two curious Cape Mountain
Zebras (Equus quagga), after which the
National Park has been named, are
greeting us. Today, the endangered species
have increased to 750 within the park
212  In harmony with a gnu
(Connochaetes gnou), a herd of
blesboks (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)
with its distinctive white faces graze in the
Mountain Zebra National Park
213  Wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) in
the Mountain Zebra National Park. During
July through October over two millions
animals migrate from the Serengeti NP in
Tanzania to greener pasture of the Maasai
Mara National Reserve in Kenya
214  The Wildebeest (Connochaetes
gnou) has a life expectancy of more
than 20 years and weighs between
240 and 400 lb. [110-180 kg]
215  The African savannah is (still)
home to many animals that are free to
live according to their own rules
216  Three gracious Springboks (Antidorcas
marsupialis) roam across the savannah of the
Mountain Zebra National Park. They can jump
as high as 11½ ft. [3.5m] and reach a running
speed of almost 56 miles [90km] per hour
217  A secretarybird (Sagittarius
serpentarius) on the hunt in the tall grass
of the savannah. It chases its prey like mice,
lizards, snakes and young birds on the ground
218  A peregrine falcon (duck hawk)
(Falco peregrinus) chose the highest point
for its lookout. It is the fastest creature as it
can reach a speed up to 250 miles/h
[400km/h] if swooping down
219  The Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta)
is a wading bird and a compulsive
nest builder. It builds three to five
a year, whether it is breeding or not
220  Not only wildlife, but also the
untouched beauty of the landscape in the
Mountain Zebra National Park is captivating.
Park road to Kranskop Loop
221  A honeysuckle creeper
(Lonicera brownii): Another of the
many varieties, this time orange-colored
222  Looking almost like a piece of art:
The track meandering through the
Mountain Zebra National Park
223  Truly heartening: The bond between
the mother zebra (Equus quagga) and its
baby is profound
224  Tired from the night hunting, the ”King of
the Jungle“ is snoozing in the shade. It is one of
the three lions (Panthera leo) (two males and
one female) introduced to the park in 2013
225  An observant vervet monkey
(Chlorocebus pygerythrus) on the
lookout. Because of their excellent
eyesight, vervet monkeys often keep
watch also for other species
226  Only 10 ft. [3m] separates us
from the lion when we spot it –
obviously it is alike surprised!
227  Most probably these small earth mounds
have been built by termites, until they have been
eaten by aardvarks (Orycteropus afer). Now
they can be used by all kinds of animals
228  A juvenile African harrier-hawk
(Polyboroides typus). Still brown it
changes to grey while getting an adult
229  We approach the Gariep Dam,
which with its length of 60 miles [100km]
and a width up to 15 miles [24km] and
a surface of 144 sq.mi. [374km²] belongs
to the large ones in Africa
230  By crossing the Orange River over the
imposing single lane, 1’640 ft. [500m] long
”Norvalspont Road Bridge“ west of the
Gariep Dam our LandCruiser looks like a
tiny blue dot. Just 30 ft. [10m] next to it
stands the same bridge for the railway line
231  A beautiful sight: Small islands
in the Gariep Dam, framed by dark
mountain ranges and beaming grass.
The staunched water of the Orange
River favors the agriculture
232  The road from the Gariep Dam to
Norvalspont leads us through a golden-
red gleaming savannah provoking the
thrilling feeling of vastness and freedom
233  The Orange River – here just below the
dam wall in direction Norvalspont – marks the
boundary between the Free State (right = north)
and Eastern Cape (left = south) province
234  The two-lane ”Henny Steyn Bridge“
over the Orange River east of the Gariep
Dam outside Bethulie: It is 3’780 ft. [1’152m]
long and 167 ft. [51.5m] high and the longest
bridge in the southern hemisphere that can
be crossed by foot, car and railway
235  View from the northwesterly hill
over the little town of Smithfield in the
Free State province. With only one gasoline
station and two small supermarkets it still
shows a bit of its pioneer character of
1848 when it was founded …..
236  ….. the church of Smithfield. The
village has been proclaimed as a
”picture book village“ in the German
”Reise Know-How“ guidebook, what
we think might be a bit exaggerated …..
237  ….. our comfortable home at the
“Trading Places Guest House” in Smithfield
protects us for a couple of days from the wet
cold weather. Carmen Rickard, the boss,
offers us the house at the camping price
238  On Smithfield’s northerly hills
Blesboks (Damaliscus pygargus
phillipsi) are at home. Unfortunately
it is not (yet) a nature reserve, thus
there is also hunting going on
239  Stones, covered with succulents
similar to cacti (Euphorbia clavarioides)
are a singularity on the
hills near Smithfield …..
240  ….. also delicate red blossoms
in the high grass draw our attention
(Hesperantha coccinea / Schizostylis)
241  Carmen (at the car) and her friend
Amanda with their dogs on the ‘antenna
hill’ northwest of Smithfield from where
there is a stunning 360° view over the
village, the dam, the hills and the plain
242  Two happy faces, an affectionate
dog and a beautiful panorama at
Smithfield’s ‘antenna hill’
243  The sun is setting behind a bungalow
of “Trading Places Guest House” in
Smithfield (Free State). It is a place
of peace and relaxation
244  From Smithfield via Rouxville to
Zastron and continuing in direction
Lesotho we find rural idylls at every turn
245  The rocky scenery at the “Mountain
View Campsite” in Zastron on 5’580 ft.
[1’700m] altitude where we set up camp
in a big and well manicured lawn
246  Small ponds and rural life dominate the
landscape towards Wepener, where on April
7th, 2015 we enter the mountainous Kingdom
of Lesotho through the “Van Rooyens Gate“,
leaving herewith the “Free State plains”
The African trip 2013-15:
CapeVerde: Santiago/Praia part 1 – November18th to December 13th, 2013
CapeVerde: Fogo – Dezember13th to 23rd, 2013
CapeVerde: Brava – December 23rd to 26th, 2013
Cape Verde: Santiago/Praia part 2 – December 26th, 2013 to February 28th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Nicolau – February 28th to March 13th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 1 – March 13th to 20th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Eastern side part 1 – March 20th to April 7th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Western side part 2April 7th to 10th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 2April 10th to 29th, 2014
Namibia Part 1 from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
Angola Part 1 September 26th to October 4th, 2014
Angola Part 2 October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Namibia Part 2 from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
3rd Major Repair of our LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982  (due to two broken sideshafts)