- Iran Map
- Middle
East Map
- latest picture:
May 6, 2016



183 A thrill of anticipation on our second
- North
Asia Tour 2016: A golden sparkling
- mosque in the bleak desert
- between Bandar Abbas and Kerman
184 Springtime in Iran: One of the high
- growing
desert candles (Eremurus
- persicus) with dense white bells
- growing on
hills next to the road
185 The golden dome
against the dark
- mountain backdrop is a special eye
- catcher along
the road #86 to Kerman



186 Kuh-e Jupar (13615ft [4'150m]),
- the highest
mountain in the same-named
- nature reserve, about 30mi [50km]
- (beeline) south-southeast of Kerman
187 A tall figure consisting of round
- stones in a
wire netting along the road
- Kerman - Bam at the junction to Rayen
188 South of the citadel
of Rayen an
- Islamic cemetery with head shots from
- different



189 Part of the adobe bricks wall of the
- ancient
fortress-citadel "Arg- e Rayen"
- with the backdrop of 14763ft.
- high Kuh-e Hazar. Rayen lies 62mi
- [100km] south-southeast
of Kerman …..
190 ….. Emil inside the desert castle.
- Abandoned
for about 150 years it
- has been restored in 1996 …..
191 ….. the exact age of
the site is
- unknown, but one guesses that it is
- over 1'000 years
old. It comprises
- nearly 5 acres [20’000m˛]



192 Especially well preserved (or already
- restored?) part of the medieval mud brick
- city of "Arg-e Rayen",
lying on an altitude
- of about 7'200 ft. [2'200m] …..
193 ….. Liliana on an exploring tour
- through the
narrow passages in the
- citadel of Rayen
194 Emil and our
LandCruiser are standing
- next to the 33 ft [10m] tall adobe brick
- of the "Arg-e Rayen" citadel – one of the
- impressive ones in



195 Unique beautiful natural setting
- of a mosque
discovered from the hilltop
- of the “Arg-e Rayen” citadel
196 The shrine of Imamzadeh Shirkhoda
- in the
centre of the village of Rayen
197 A group of school
girls spotted
- us and approach us happily



- Lovely mountain sceneries delight us in the Kerman Province around
every corner
198 Somewhat east of Mahan (foothills
- of Kuh-e
Palvar mountains) – about
- 25mi [40km] before Kerman
199 East of the railway station of Rayen
200 Once more the Kuh-e
Jupar massif



201 At the Hotel Akhavan in Kerman
- we meet the "Red Camel Team":
- Heinze (with the long beard) with
- his friends
Pierre and Kari
202 Camper breakfast behind the Akhavan
- hotel in Kerman: Robert and Melanie, Helga
- and Ulli and Ellen and Perry at Perry’s
- Mercedes truck "Innovan"
203 Emil is talking with
Robert and
- Melanie at the Akhavan hotel camping in
- Kerman. They are
on tour to India with
- their dog 'Cosmo' in a Volkswagen Bus



A description of “Nowruz” – the
- traditional Iranian New Year
- which is always on March 21st
- (2019 = 1398) …..
…. table setting with the 7 different
- above mentioned items
whose names all
- start with the letter "س" (pronounced
- "seen") of the
Persian alphabet
Picture from a part of the traditional
- way of life of Iranian
people: Smoking
- shisha + drinking tea



- Visit of the Dash-e Lut desert: It's situated for the most part in
the province of Kerman,
- measures about 20'000 sq.mi [51'800km˛] and
is therefore after Dasht-e Kavir the second largest desert in Iran.
- According to Wikipedia it's worldwide on place 25. It's one of the
hottest deserts of the world and is a Unesco´s World Heritage site
207 The Dasht-e Lut desert in the
- Kerman province
is known for its
- "Kaluts" (sand castles) …..
208 ….. our LandCruiser is looking
- for the
hardest sand track to penetrate
- deeper into the widespread desert
209 ….. after about 1Ľmi
[2km] more
- and more of the fascinating sandstone
- formations appear



210 It is a beautiful feeling to cruise
- around
the emptiness of the Dasht-e Lut
- Desert and discover again and again
- new sandstone castles …..
211 ..... some are as high as
- 10 storeys making
our LandCruiser
- looking tiny …..
212 ..... others on the
other hand
- form entire lines in the rugged
- and surreal rock



213 The magic diverse appearance
- of the Kaluts in
the Dasht-e Lut Desert
- in its unreal beauty
214 In the shadow of a sandstone structure
- we set
our table for lunch. Now in April
- temperatures are still comfortable
215 Millions of years old
- formed the Kaluts in the Dasht-e Lut Desert
- – one of the
world’s hottest deserts



216 Tiled portal of the bazaar at the
- Ganjali
Khan complex in Kerman. Above
- rises the medieval wind catcher
217 The bronze statue of Ganj Ali Khan
- with a
flowing robe in a corner of the
- Ganjali Khan complex in Kerman
218 Two Iranian women are
relaxing at
- a pond at the Jame Mosque in Kerman,
- 930 yards
east-northeasterly of the
- Ganjali Khan complex



219 At the marketplace (bazaar) in
- Kerman there
is a constant
- hustle and bustle
220 The attractively vaulted arcade of
- the bazaar
at Ganjali Khan Square in
- Kerman. This kind of archways can be
- found
in most Iranian bazaars
221 Display of chadors,
the traditional,
- conservative, full-length, Iranian women’s
- garment.
Chador is derived from "cador",
- the Persian world for tent



222 Iranian students in black coats
- leave the
gate of “Bag-e Shahzadeh”
- – the Princes’ Garden – about 25mi
- [40km]
from Kerman …..
223 ….. water cascades flowing in
- different
levels and skirted by stately
- trees are part of the historic Persian
- garden belonging to the Unesco World
- Heritage Sites (view to
Southeast) …..
224 ….. Liliana in a
section of the
- “Bag-e Shahzadeh” Garden, which
- was built in 1873
(view to Northeast)



225 In the flower variety in the Princes’
- Garden,
this delicate yellow-red spider
- flower (Grevillea) sticks out
- probably transplanted from
226 The “Bag-e Shahzadeh” – the
- Princes’ Garden,
a 13˝ acres [55'000m˛]
- large rectangle – is a wonderful relaxing
- oases in the heart of the Iranian desert
227 Beautiful pansies
(violets) (Viola)
- belong to the blooming flowers in the
- “Bag-e
Shahzadeh” Persian garden



White garden petunia
- (Petunia hybrida)
Orange-colored gerbera, also
- called daisies (Gerbera hybrida)
White rambling rose (Rosa helenae)



231 The shrine of Shah Nematollah Vali
- in Mahan
with its beautiful turquoise
- dome and four 138ft. [42m] tall
- about 25mi [40km] from Kerman
232 A picture of Iran’s rulers: Ayatollah
- Ruhollah Khomeini (left; 11.2.1979-
- 3.6.1989) and Ayatollah Ali
- (right; 4.6.1989-.....)
233 The wide courtyard of
the Shah
- Nematollah Vali shrine in Mahan with its
- lovely central
pool surrounded by flowers



234 A green oases on the way to Shadad
- in the
middle of the Iranian desert
- Dasht-e Lut – a fertile place with
- resources and lush vegetation …..
235 ….. a smaller oasis in a different
- inhospitable environment
- (between Kerman and Nay Band)
236 Adapted to nature:
Place of prayer
- in the nowhere along the road #91 to
- Nay Band -
Deyhuk - Mashhad



237 The beautiful Nay Band village on a
- hilltop with date palms remembers us to
- oases in Oman. It sits about ⅓ of the
- way between Kerman and Mashhad
238 Our LandCruiser on tour at the
- traditional village of Nay Band
239 The attractive
architecture of the
- about 1'000 years old village with its
- date
palms, which fruits are a basic
- food resource for the inhabitants



240 We come across a peculiar landscape
- pattern
looking like a “washboard”. It's not
- clear whether this was caused
during road
- construction to prevent landslides
241 The road towards Mashhad runs
- through desert hills sprinkled with
- green bushes
242 Road sign to our last
destination in
- Iran: The city of Mashhad, also called
- "Iran’s
spiritual capital" near the border
- of Turkmenistan



243 Modern Mashhad: The city with
- 3m people once
was a major oasis
- along the ancient Silk Road. Here the
- Bayt
ol-Moqaddas Square
244 Covered souk in Mashhad: The
- two storey
Bazaar Reza measures
- 875 yards [800m] in length and 33 yards
- [30m]
in width. It's always an attraction
- with its colors and exotic odors
245 The bigger the choice
the harder
- it is to choose: The display on nuts,
- dried fruit and
sweets – they are
- omnipresent in Iran



246 The Imam Reza Shrine complex in
- Mashhad.
Non-Muslims are not permitted
- inside the mausoleum of Imam Reza,
- Islam’s eighth Shiite Imam
247 An impressing huge copy of the
- Quran at the
southwestern entrance
- Bab Ol-Javad of the Imam Reza
- Shrine complex
in Mashhad
248 One
of the 7 courtyards at the
- Imam Reza Shrine complex in Mashhad



249 Two of the three golden minarets
- of the Razavi Holy Shrine within the
- huge Imam Reza
Shrine complex
250 Mashhad has been introduced by 47
- states/countries as the “Cultural Capital of
- Islamic World” for 2017
and launched at a
- ceremony at the Imam Reza Shrine complex
251 Islamic respectively
Iranian pictures
- of academics and personages on a huge
- wall,
constructed north of Bayt ol-
- Moqaddas Square (close to Bab Ol-Reza)



- Elaborately decorated towers and minarets are part of the charming
sight of the Reza Shrine complex in Mashhad.
- There are currently 8
minarets between 98 and 133ft. [30 and 40m] high, while 6 more with
a height of 397ft. [121m] are being built.
- The Imam Reza mausoleum
is visited by 12 millions of Iranian and foreign pilgrims
respectively tourists every year



255 The floodlit Imam Reza Shrine
- complex in
Mashhad at night. It's the
- heart of Shiitic Iran and considered the
- world’s largest mosque in terms of size
- (6'443'890 sq.ft. [598'657m˛]
256 One of the three golden
- minarets and the golden
dome of
- the Razavi Holy Shrine within the
- Imam Reza Shrine complex
257 ….. and another
picture by night
- of the center of religious pilgrimage



258 The lights glitter beautifully in
- nocturnal
Mashhad (Bayt ol-Moqaddas
- Square). It is a safe city at any time for
- discovery tours
259 The sun is rising on our last camping
- night
in the Iranian desert where we spent
- 26 days and drove 1'366mi
260 May 6th, 2016: We
leave Iran at
- Bajgiran and drive from Mashhad until
- Ashgabat in
Turkmenistan through a
- landscape dominated by desert hills
Next website of our 2nd
Central and North Asia trip 2016 to Russia:
- Turkmenistan – from Iran border at Bajgiran to Uzbekistan border near
Khiva – May 6th to 10th, 2016
- More websites from Iran:
- Iran - Teil 1: Fährhafen Bandar Abbas-Shiraz-Persepolis-Pasargad (zwischen Persepolis und Yazd)
- Iran - Teil 2: Pasargad
(exkl.)-Yazd-Esfahan Mai 2013
- Iran - Teil 3: Esfahan
(exkl.)-Chelgerd-Hamadan-Sanandaj-Orumiyeh Mai 2013
- The African trip
- CapeVerde: Santiago/Praia
part 1 – November18th to December 13th, 2013
- CapeVerde: Fogo
– Dezember13th to 23rd, 2013
- CapeVerde: Brava
– December 23rd to 26th, 2013
- Cape Verde: Santiago/Praia
part 2 – December 26th, 2013 to February 28th, 2014
- Cape Verde: Săo Nicolau – February
28th to March 13th, 2014
- Cape Verde: Săo Vicente/Mindelo part 1
– March 13th to 20th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: Santo Antăo/Eastern side part 1 –
March 20th to April 7th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: Santo Antăo/Western side part 2 –
April 7th to 10th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: Săo Vicente/Mindelo part 2 –
April 10th to 29th, 2014
Namibia Part 1 –
from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
- Angola Part 1
September 26th to October 4th, 2014
- Angola Part 2 –
October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Namibia Part 2 –
from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to
South Africa
South Africa
Part 1 –
from Namibia border to Capetown –
January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
- 3rd Major Repair of our
LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982 (due to two broken sideshafts)
South Africa Part 2 – from Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park –
February 24th to March 13th, 2015
- South Africa Part 3 – from
Addo National Park to the Lesotho border – March
13th to April 7th, 2015
Lesotho – April 7th to 15th, 2015
South Africa Part 4
– from the Lesotho to the Swaziland border –
April 15th to 23rd, 2015
Swaziland – April 23rd to 28th,
South Africa Part 5
– from the Swaziland to the Botswana border
– April 28th to May 15th, 2015
Armed Robbery in Malawi on July
31st/August 1st, 2015
Ethiopia Part 1 – from Kenya to
October 25th to November 18th, 2015
October 18th to 27th, 2015
Ethiopia Part 2
Djibouti to
November 27th to December 9th, 2015
- Sudan
December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016