- Argentina Map
- Map from southern
South America
- latest picture:
July 17, 1988
800 We are rolling on the Ruta RN40
- through the
endless Argentine Pampa
- towards the South
801 The trees are formed by the
- power of the
eternal strong winds
- in the Argentine pampa
802 The legendary Ruta
RN40 south of
- Perito Moreno runs through the vastness of
- the
Argentine Pampa. 1987 everything was
- still gravel and lonely –
average 1 car/day!
- The Perito Moreno Glacier, 47 ms [76km] west of El Calafate at
Lago Argentino in the province of Santa Cruz
- is one of Argentina's
most important tourist attractions besides the Iguazú waterfalls.
- It
covers 96½ square miles [250km²] of ice formation, is 18½ ms [30 km]
long, 3 ms [5 km] wide and 560 ft. [170m] thick.
- The name should not
be confused with the same-named village (-46.58314 -70.92747)
near Lago Buenos Aires, 477 miles [768km] north,
- nor with the
National Park of the same name (-47.83967 -72.04244) near Lago
Belgrano, 376 ms [605km] north
803 Photo stop of Perito Moreno Glacier
- with
still snow-covered Andes peaks, about
- 4½ ms [7km] before the
parking lot. It is
- one of the few glaciers worldwide that still
- grows – about 6½ ft. [2m] per day
804 On horseback along the
- Perito Moreno glacier
- It formed during the last ice age and
- is an incredible 18'000
years old!
805 Glacier front of the
Perito Moreno
- Glacier. The glacier calves constantly and
- ice floes
swim in the crystal clear lake
806 On 12/30/1986 we reach the southern
- end of
the Panamericana in Ushuaia on
- Tierra del Fuego – the most southerly
- on earth – where we celebrate New Year
807 Ushuaia/Tierra del Fuego, the
- southernmost
city in the world, also called
- "end of the world”. On the date of
our visit
- in 1986, Ushuaia had about 8'000 to 8'500
- people – today
about 78'000!
808 A flock of sheep,
pressed close
- together against the cold and wind in San
- Sebastian/Tierra del Fuego. About 40% of
- all Argentinean sheep are
bred in Patagonia
809 So cute: Magellanic penguins
- (Spheniscus
magellanicus) step out
- from the sea in Cabo Dos Bahías/Chubut
- Province, about 180ms [300km]
- northeast of Comodoro Rivadavia …..
810 ….. a small family …..
811 ….. and Magellanic
- in rank and file
812 Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) at
- Puerto
Pirámides on the Península Valdés.
- The males weigh about 770 lb.
- and the females 330 lb. [150kg]
813 A small Patagonian sea lion colony
- (Otaria
flavescens) on the Península Valdés.
- Seals are considered social. A
harem can
- consist from 2 up to 130 females
814 Big hairy armadillo
- villosus): It is one of the largest and most
- numerous armadillos in South America
815 The deep blue crater lake “Laguna
- Azul” (Blue
Lagoon – -52.07490 -69.58155)
- of an extinct volcano, 7ms [11km]
- north of the Argentina-Chile border
816 Emil in front of a blooming Agave:
- It blooms
only once in its life and after the
- fruit ripens it dies. The
inflorescence (stem)
- can grow up to 40 ft. [12m]
817 Wild Atlantic Coast on
- Valdez Peninsula
818 Beautiful wild landscape along
- Ruta RN25
across Argentina from
- Trelew in the east to Tecka in the
- west, 16
miles south of Esquel
819 Impressive waterfalls, called
- “Garganta del
Diablo” (-41.19458 -71.83175)
- in different levels at 11'453 ft.
- tall Cerro Tronador, about 50ms [80km]
- west from Bariloche
820 Our LandCruiser in
front of
- Cerro Tronador, an extinct volcano.
- With its 11'453 ft.
[3'491m] it is
- the highest mountain in Patagonia
821 Panoramic view of the Llao Llao
- Peninsula
with the luxury 5* Hotel Llao
- Llao northwest of San Carlos de
- and with the lakes Moreno Oeste (in the
- front) and Nahuel
Huapi (background)
822 Glittering lakes (from front to west)
- Hualahue, Steffen and Martín, 37ms [60km]
- south of Bariloche with
the backdrop of the
- snow covered Andes peaks
823 Valley “Encantado” on
- Limay River, about 38½ms [62km]
- from Bariloche along the Ruta
- – a natural paradise surrounded
- by bizarre mountain peaks
824 Morning mood on 2/2/1987 on
- our night spot at
the lake Lago Traful
825 The 235 ft. [71.5m] high Obelisk
- in Buenos
Aires at the Plaza de la
- República – a national historic
- monument –
was built in 1936. It can
- be called the “center” of Buenos Aires
826 “Torre Monumental”,
until 1982 –
- the Falkland war – called “Torre de los
- Ingleses”
(=English) in Buenos Aires at the
- railway station “Retiro-Mitre”. It
is 248 ft.
- [75.5m] and eight stories high. The building
- was
inaugurated on 24.5.1916
827 Brightens every gloomy mood:
- A field of
sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)
- as far as the eye can see. Sunflowers
- very dependent on light. The more light,
- the bigger the flowers
828 “Mar del Plata”, about 630'000
- people, is the
most famous beach resort
- in Argentina. It attracts in the high
- 7 millions of sun-seekers …..
829 ..... no matter how
crowded the
- beach is, the main thing is to have fun
830 Camping at “El Palmar National
- Park”,
province Entre Ríos, between Yatay
- palms (Butia yatay). In the
- “Río Los Loros”. The park was founded
- in 1966 to protect
this palm species …..
831 ….. palm trees rise against
- the sky colored
red by the sunset
832 Our LandCruiser
surrounded by
- white wind- and water eroded rock
- formations in the
“Valle de la Luna”
- (moonscape) in the province San Juan,
- today named
“Ischigualasto Prov. Park”
833 Our Landcruiser along the magnificent
- Cerro
Alcázar with its unique bizarre rock
- towers about 12½ms [20km] south
- Calingasta on the Ruta RN149 in the
- province of San Juan
834 The winding ascent to the
- “Cruz de Paramillo”
Pass, Ruta RP52,
- from Mendoza to Uspallata
835 The abandoned spa building
- “Puente del Inca”, altitude of 8'990 ft.
- [2'740m]
en route to the Bermejo Pass/
- Mendoza prov. – an Andean pass with
- tunnel option between Argentina and Chile
836 A photo stop at the “Christo
- Redentor”
Monument on the Bermejo
- Pass at 12'598 ft. [3'840m] altitude. The
- approximately 7ms [11km] shorter tunnel
- option climbs only to 10'571
ft. [3'222m]
837 View from “Fin Sendero de la
- Laguna”, almost
2½ms [4km] from Ruta
- RN7, to the 22'837 ft. [6'961m] high
- Aconcagua,
the highest mountain
- in South America
838 A lama (Lama glama) in
- high mountains of Argentina.
- Lamas feed on grasses, shrubs,
- lichens, leaves and mushrooms
839 On the gravel road through the
- highlands of
the 15'505 ft. [4'726m] high
- San Francisco Pass – for us the most
- beautiful crossing of the Andes from the
- Atacama Region of Chile to
the province
- of Catamarca in Argentina …..
840 ..... the grass buds glow
- golden in the sun
841 Dramatic landscape on
- gravel road as we descend from the
- highland of the San Francisco
- on Ruta RN60 to the
- Catamarca province
842 Quiet night spot in the protecting
- forest on
the way to Tucumán, to be
- precise “San Miguel de Tucumán” –
- the
843 Gauchos – the skilled horsemen –
- guide their
sheeps through a dusty path to a
- new destination – here in Salta.
Gauchos are
- known for their pride, bravery and loyalty
844 Ride through the
- sandstone formations of the
- “Quebrada de las Flechas”
- between Cafayate and Cachi
845 Liliana poses with our LandCruiser
- in front
of the natural rock formation
- “the obelisk” in “Quebrada del Río de
- Conchas”, 15 miles northeast of Cafayate
- along Ruta RN68
846 Along the Cafayate-Salta stretch
- (Ruta RN68 –
“Quebrada Río de las
- Conchas”) eroded colorful hills
- frame the road
847 ….. Illuminated by the
- the red sandstone wall glows particularly
- intensive, also Ruta
RN68 –
- “Quebrada Río de las Conchas”
848 A giant beauty of a Saguaro cactus
- (Echinopsis terscheckii), which makes Emil
- look insignificant. It
can grow up to 40 ft.
- [12m]; Life time 250-300 years
849 The unique, varied and colourful
- landscape
along the mountain road Ruta
- RN51 from Salta to San Antonio de los
- Cobres in the “Quebrada del Toro” …..
850 ….. with pinnacles and
- cacti side by side (here also in the
- “Quebrada del Toro”)
851 The small neat church of the little
- village
of El Alfarcito on an altitude of
- 9'186 ft. [2'800m] in the
“Quebrada del
- Toro” in the Salta province along
- Ruta RN51
852 Our LandCruiser is rolling through
- the
beautiful Andes desert at 3’775m
- [12’385 ft] altitude near San
Antonio de
- los Cobres in the Salta province
853 The “Tren a las Nubes”
(train to the
- clouds) crosses the 735 ft. [224m] long,
- 207 ft. [63m]
high “La Polvorilla” viaduct,
- at altitude 13779
- west of San Antonio de los Cobres
along the
legendary Ruta RN40
854 Zigzag mountain pass Ruta RP16
- (today RN52)
from the “Puna de Atacama”
- (Atacama Plateau) to Purmamarca in the
- province of Jujuy
855 The highlands of Argentina (Puna)
- are home to
lamas (Lama glama)
856 Bolivian women in La
- at the Bolivian border. The typical dress of
- the
"cholitas" (women) consists of 5-6
- petticoats, a shawl and a typical
857 Clay church of Pozuelos in the
- province of
Jujuy in North Argentina
858 The ruins of the Jesuit Mission of
- “San
Ignacio Miní”, 40ms [64km] northeast
- of Posadas in the province of
Misiones, are
- part of the Unesco World Heritage
859 The water vapour
indicates the
- power of the nearby Iguazú Falls, where
- in the average
62'000 cu ft./s [1'756m³]
- of water fall down the river every second
- (rainy season: 230'000 cu ft./s [6'500m³/s]
- The natural spectacle of the Iguazú waterfalls, which are part of
the Unesco World Heritage: They are located in the country triangle
- Argentina (= Puerto Iguazú ± 100'000 people), Brazil (= Foz do
Iguaçu ± 260'000 people) and 12½ miles [20km] away Paraguay
- (=
Presidente Franco ± 100'000 people + Ciudad del Este ± 310'000
people), and consist of between 150 and 275 falls depending on
860 A whole series of
waterfalls rush
- into the depths. It shows the gigantic size
- of the
Iguazú Falls
861 View of the thunderous
- “Devil's Throat”
(“Garganta del Diablo”)
- of the Iguazú waterfalls
862 Gigantic view of the
- waterfalls and its protected jungle.
- At the highest point the
water rushes
- up to 269 ft. [82m] into the depth
Next website from
southern South America:
- Paraguay
Part 1
- The African trip
- CapeVerde: Santiago/Praia
part 1 – November18th to December 13th, 2013
- CapeVerde: Fogo
– Dezember13th to 23rd, 2013
- CapeVerde: Brava
– December 23rd to 26th, 2013
- Cape Verde: Santiago/Praia
part 2 – December 26th, 2013 to February 28th, 2014
- Cape Verde: São Nicolau – February
28th to March 13th, 2014
- Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 1
– March 13th to 20th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: Santo Antão/Eastern side part 1 –
March 20th to April 7th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: Santo Antão/Western side part 2 –
April 7th to 10th, 2014
- Cape
Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 2 –
April 10th to 29th, 2014
Namibia Part 1 –
from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
- Angola Part 1
September 26th to October 4th, 2014
- Angola Part 2 –
October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Namibia Part 2 –
from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to
South Africa
South Africa
Part 1 –
from Namibia border to Capetown –
January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
- 3rd Major Repair of our
LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982 (due to two broken sideshafts)
South Africa Part 2 – from Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park –
February 24th to March 13th, 2015
- South Africa Part 3 – from
Addo National Park to the Lesotho border – March
13th to April 7th, 2015
Lesotho – April 7th to 15th, 2015
South Africa Part 4
– from the Lesotho to the Swaziland border –
April 15th to 23rd, 2015
Swaziland – April 23rd to 28th,
South Africa Part 5
– from the Swaziland to the Botswana border
– April 28th to May 15th, 2015
Armed Robbery in Malawi on July
31st/August 1st, 2015
Ethiopia Part 1 – from Kenya to
October 25th to November 18th, 2015
October 18th to 27th, 2015
Ethiopia Part 2
Djibouti to
November 27th to December 9th, 2015
- Sudan
December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016
The continuation in Asia 2016-18:
Saudi Arabia January 9th
to 12th, 2016
- United Arab Emirates January
12th to April 10th, 2016
- Iran April 11th to
May 6th, 2016
- Turkmenistan May 6th to
10th, 2016
Uzbekistan May 10th to
31st, 2016
Tajikistan Part 1 from
Uzbekistan border to Dushanbe – May 31st to June 18th, 2016
Tajikistan Part 2 from
Dushanbe to the Kyrgyzstan border – June 19th to 27th, 2016
- Kyrgyzstan June 27th to August 9th, 2016
Kazakhstan – August 9th to 21st, 2016
- Russia Part
2a – from Tretyakovo at
Kazakhstan border via Lake Teletskoye to Gorno Altaysk – August 21st to September
- Russia Part 2b from
Gorno Altaysk to the Mongolia border and back to the Ukraine border at Krupets
– Sept. 26th to Nov. 11th, 2016
Ukraine Part 3 – November
11th to December 8th, 2016
- 3rd Rejuvenation of our
LandCruiser FJ60/1982 in
Malaysia from 2/6 to 5/3/2017
Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi Part 1 – Miri
- Kuching/Sarawak/Malaysia -
Balikpapan/Kalimantan, by
ferry to Sulawesi
North-Sulawesi Part 2 –
Tomohon and surroundings to Tangkoko NP and onwards to Bitung with ferry
to Ternate on North Moluccas
North-Moluccas Part 1
– Ternate and Tidore and onwards by ferry to
Sofifi on Halmahera on North Moluccas
North-Moluccas Part 2
– Halmahera and onwards by ferry to Sorong in
West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya)
on western Bird's Head Peninsula
West Papua (Irian Jaya)
Part 1
– Sorong, ‚Trans Papua Road’ and onwards by
ferry to
Seram in Moluccas (Central)
Moluccas (Central) Part 1 – Seram and onwards by ferry
Ambon in Moluccas
Moluccas (Central)
Part 2 – Ambon and onwards by ferry
to Serui on Yapen in Papua
Part 1 –
Yapen and onwards by ferry
to Biak in Papua
Part 2 –
Biak and onwards by ferry
to Manokwari in West Papua
Part 2
(Irian Jaya) on eastern Bird's Head Peninsula
- West Papua
(Irian Jaya)
Part 2 – Manokwari,
‚Trans Papua Road’ and onwards by ferry
to Makassar
in South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak
Part 2 – Makassar
South Sulawesi by ferry to Batulicin/South Kalimantan, Kuching - Miri in Sarawak
- Continuation of
3rd Rejuvenation of our LandCruiser FJ60/1982 in Miri/Sarawak/East
from 7/16
to 9/22/2018