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Pictures of our 2nd South America trip 2019 to Chile
- Part 2 From Los Lagos in Los Ríos to Chile Chico in Aysén 1/27 - 2/7/2019
- To the nostalgic pictures from scanned slides of our South American journey 1987/88, below starting pic. #800
Chile Part 1 San Antonio/Santiago to Los Lagos in Los Ríos December 24th, 2018 to January 27th, 2019
3rd Rejuvenation of our LandCruiser FJ60/1982 in Miri/Sarawak/East Malaysia from 2/6-5/3/2017 + continuation from 7/18-9/22/2018
Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua Trip (= start of 11 parts) from August 22nd, 2017 to May 27th, 2018
Myanmar (Burma) round trip (= start of 4 parts) without our vehicle from December 26th, 2016 to January 22nd, 2017
Ukraine Part 3 – from Russia border at Kyaterinіvka to port city Odessa (29th container to Bintulu/Sarawak/East Malaysia)
Sudan – from Ethiopia border to Suakin and the ferry to Saudi Arabia December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016
Cape Verde: São Vicente – from Mindelo to port city of Walvis Bay in Namibia Part 1 (28th container) April 10th to 29th, 2014
Argentina Part 1 – from the Chile border at Los Antiguos to Luján de Cuyo near Mendoza February 7th to March 13th, 2019
Argentina Part 2 – from Luján de Cuyo near Mendoza to Cachi in Calchaquí Valley March 13th to 30th, 2019
Argentina Part 3 – from Cachi in Calchaquí Valley to Clorinda at the Paraguay border March 30th, to May 4th, 2019
Argentina Part 4 Nostalgic pictures from scanned slides of our South American journey 1987/88
Chile Map
Map from southern South America
latest picture: February 6, 2019
  • click a picture to see details





076  At Lake Puyehue, 5mi [8km] east
of Entre Lagos, we set up camp at an
idyllic spot at the Camping “El Manzano”
directly on the lakeshore …..
077  ….. surrounded by lovely lupines
(Lupinus) amidst lush greenery
078  Lake Puyehue in the sunset
glow at the camping “El Manzano”
near Entre Lagos




079  “Who are those intruders?” A
buzzard (Buteo buteo) peers curiously
from a tree to our camp near Entre Lagos
080  Delicate purple foxgloves
(Digitalis purpurea) grow side
by side with yellow daisies
081  Magic spring spell in South Chile:
A yellow gleaming flower field as far as
the eye can see


082  View across Lake Rupanco to the
Andes of the Los Lagos region – a typical
scenery in the Lake District of southern Chile
083  Encounter with longtime overlander
at the Montana Camping in Ensenada in
the Southeast of Lake Llanquihue
084  A wonderful contrast: Yellow
flowers, probably a kind of mimosas,
against a dark background
085  Sandy beach and close view of the
8'701 ft. [2'652m] high, ice-capped volcano
Osorno from the “Montana” Camping in
Ensenada along Lake Llanquihue
086  A glacier covered slope of the
8'701 ft. [2'652m] high volcano Osorno
087  Sunset across Lake Llanquihue
in Ensenada. In the background
the 1'640ft. [500m] high
Cordillera del Sarao
The legendary Carretera Austral (Ruta 7) starts at the Hotel Ibis (-41.47657 -72.94970) in Puerto Montt and runs for 772mi [1'242km]
to Puerto Bahamondes (-48.51184 -72.60058) 5mi [8km] south of Villa O'Higgins. It contains 3 ferries (see below), whereas the
third – if there is no drive via Chile Chico but straight to the South – lies between Puerto Yungay and Río Bravo; website:
http://www.barcazafiordomitchell.cl/. Continuing further to the South involves either a detour via Argentina
(from Chile Chico or Paso Rodolfo Roballes), or a fourth ferry from Puerto Yungay to Puerto Natales; website:
http://www.tabsa.cl/portal/index.php/en/. At our first trip in 1986, the Carretera Austral was back then completely gravel and
began in Chaitén and ended in Puerto Bertrand, 81mi [131km] southwest of Chile Chico. Today's overview of the paved roads:
088  Our quiet camping “Paredes
Chinquihue” (-41.49535 -72.98707) is
2¾mi [4½km] west from the Hotel Ibis
in Puerto Montt
089  Nostalgic scene along the Carretera
Austral, 2mi [3km] before the first ferry at
Caleta La Arena: Seagulls crowd a little
place of mooring fishing boats
090  The ferry terminal of Caleta La
Arena, embedded between forested hills,
is greeting from far. It's the first of three
ferries on the long way to the South




Three different nostalgic building styles of churches along the Carretera Austral in South Chile:
091  The Chapel Nuestra Señora de
la Asunción in Caleta La Arena …..
092  ….. a quaint little church built
entirely out of plain tile cladding,
north of Villa Vanguardia …..
093  ….. and the church San José
Obrero in Villa Santa Lucía, built in
the same style as pic #092 to the left
094  The ferry "Don Juan" brings us
from Caleta La Arena to Caleta Puelche.
Duration: 30 minutes; Total costs:
10’000 Pesos = about US$18;
website: http://testuario.cl/en/home/
095  A peaceful atmosphere lies
over Hornopirén while the second
of the three ferries to the South
is slowly loaded
096  Our LandCruiser on the ferry
“Agios” from Hornopirén to Caleta
Gonzalo. Duration: 5 hours; Total costs:
71’600 Pesos = about US$129;
website: https://www.taustral.cl/


097  The unpaved Carretera Austral
meanders through a heavily forested
area from Caleta Gonzalo to
Santa Bárbara …..
098  ….. where we found a nice rough
camping place and discovered nearby
impressive white lichens on a
mossy tree trunk
099  The beach of Santa Bárbara
(-42.85434 -72.79862) in the Gulf of
Corcovado, located 7½mi [12km]
northwest of Chaitén, is attracting
also many overlander to camp
100  Lunch break near the ramp of Chaitén
with view to the small village (4'000 people)
that on May 2nd, 2008, was ravaged by a
mudflow (lahar) of the 3'681ft. [1'122m]
high volcano Chaitén
101  The 7'550ft. [2'300m] high volcano
Corcovado lies in the Chaitén region, a
volcanic very active zone of the
 South American Cordillera.
1935 was its last big eruption
102  The crystal clear Lake Yelcho
in Puerto Cárdenas, surrounded by
mountains, volcanos and glaciers,
31mi [50km] south of Chaitén
103  The turquoise blue ribbon of Rio
Cisnes in the Aysén region is carving its way
through the impressive mountain scenery of
the same named valley to Puerto Cisnes
104  A nice encounter with a Swiss
overlanding couple with their visiting mothers
in the 'Camping Yelcho en la Patagonia'
4½mi [7km] south of Puerto Cárdenas
105  A stunning face of a moth on a
mossy ground in the Camping Yelcho
near Puerto Cárdenas
106  A short stop south of Puerto Cárdenas
near the glacier Yelcho on the Carretera
Austral on our way south
107  Mighty rivers – here Río Palena – deep
forested hills and imposing glaciers are
characteristic of Patagonia in South Chile
108  The wild beauty of Chile’s
Patagonia with its exuberant vegetation
became a tourist magnet




109  Along the Puyuhuapi Channel
(viewing direction North). The whole
region is canyoned by countless
fjord-like estuaries
110  Puyuhuapi Channel (Seno
Ventisquero) (viewing direction South):
The flora looks also so far in the South
(44°S) still pretty tropical thanks to
the nearly constant precipitations
111  "El Condor" waterfall lies
just besides the Carretera Austral
3mi [4½km] after the 1'970ft.
[600m] high, unpaved Queulat pass
into the southern Cisnes valley
112  Once more the Puyuhuapi Channel:
In the background left 6'857ft. [2'090m]
high volcano Cay and to the right 9'711ft.
 [2'960m] high volcano Cerro Macá
113  The relaxed rural setting of the
'Río Grande Camping' in El Carmen,
100mi [160km] north of Cohaique,
where we spend one night
114  Laguna Esponja, a reservoir
in Villa Mañihuales, 26mi [42km]
north of the road junction to
Puerto Aysén
115  Liliana at the reedy shore of
beautiful Laguna Las Torres with
stunning views towards the North
116  The majestic snow covered peak of the
~5'700ft. [~1'740m] Cerro Elefantes
reflects wonderfully in Laguna Las Torres
117  Emil at the reedy shore of
beautiful Laguna Las Torres
looking towards the South




118  Liliana is enjoying from our lunch spot
at the shore of the river Aysén before
Puerto Aysén the eastern mountain view
119  The waterfall “La Virgen”,
surrounded by lush vegetation, on the
way from Puerto Aysén to Coyhaique
120  The upper fall of the
Cascada La Virgen
121  Always a refreshing sight:
A duck family on the tramp
122  Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides);
it exists and multiplies itself solely
from rain and air
123  Low-growing scrubland under-
growth and shrubs, pushed by the
humid climate of southern Chile: Near
Laguna Sepúlveda, 6mi [10km north
of Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez
124  A monolith along the Carretera Austral
while bypassing the Cerro Castillo massif
125  View from the lookout
“Cuesta del Diablo” to the
8'776ft. [2’675m] high Cerro Castillo
massif, 7mi [11km] before the westerly
village of Villa Cerro Castillo …..
126  ….. and down to the valley and
straight on where the Carretera Austral
leads to Cochrane. During our first trip
1986, only turning left to the
Chile Chico version was possible




127  The sharp peaks of the imposing
Cerro Castillo Massif, about 20mi [30km]
beeline northwest of Puerto Ingeniero
Ibáñez – from another lookout
128  The Chilean flag is fluttering in the
wind on a hill in the peaceful village of
Villa Cerro Castillo with its 500 people
129  The impressive Cerro Castillo
Massif is visible from far and again
and again an attractive photo motif.
Here across Laguna Sepúlveda




130  We find protection between trees
from the constantly cold and fierce
blowing wind at the Agrocamping in
Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez
131  View to the 5'719ft. [1'743m]
high Cerro Pirámide in the soft evening
light from our Agrocamping in
Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez …..
132  ….. it is our last sight of
South Chile’s nature paradise before
we embark next day to Chile Chico
and drive onwards to Argentina
133  View back to the village of
Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez (800 people)
and the Cerro Castillo mountain
range in the back
134  On the left (western) side of the
rocky passage from Puerto Ingeniero
Ibáñez to Chile Chico the lake is called
'Lago General Carrera' (Chile) and on the
 right side 'Lago Buenos Aires' (Argentina)
135  Our LandCruiser on the third ferry
“Tehuelche” from Pto. Ingeniero Ibáñez
to Chile Chico. Duration: 2¼ hours;
Total costs: 24'350 Pesos = about
US$43; website: http://www.barcazas.cl/
36 Nostalgic pictures from scanned slides of our South American journey in Chile from 10/20/1986 bis 10/16/1988
800  The Laja waterfall along the
Panamericana between Los Ángeles and
Chillán – a well known tourist destination
with commercial campgrounds (see also
picture #028 in Chile 1)
801  The 10’153ft. [3’125m] high
volcano Llaima in the Conguillio
National Park, opened in 1950
802  The perfectly shaped Osorno
volcano raises 8’701ft. [2’652m]
towards the deep blue sky




803  On the way from Ensenada to the
Ski & Mountain Center of the volcano
Osorno on an altitude of 4'000ft. [1'200m];
below Lake Llanquihue
804  Liliana in front of a huge Chilean
giant rhubarb (Gunnera tinctoria) in the
rainforest of the Carretera Austral
805  A stop along the gravel road
of the Carretera Austral at the Puyuhuapi
Channel to enjoy the view
806  Our LandCruiser in action:
We tow a stranded Landrover
out of a critical passage
807  On our way to Coyhaique on the
Carretera Austral we experience a
wonderful mystic mood. Weather in
Patagonia can change on the same
day from one season to the other
808  A distance sign towards the North
along the Carretera Austral. But there are
also southwards many miles of gravel
road ahead: 870mi [1'400km] until
Punta Arenas, 300 more to Ushuaia!
809  Gauchos herding their cattle on the
route to Puerto Aysen. There is a saying
that they take their first lessons in riding
before they are well able to walk
810  Encounter with a gaucho: The
Gaucho – skilled horseman (cowboy) – is a
national symbol in Argentina and Uruguay,
but belongs also to the Chilean culture
811  Rural life: On their way with
a heavily loaded oxcart
together with their dog




The Torres del Paine National Park impresses with its soaring mountains, bright blue icebergs that broke
off from glaciers and golden grasslands. It's mainly also a wonderful hiking area with many guanacos to spot
812  Reflection of the Torres del Paine
peaks at its best: View from the Pehoé area
to the "Paine Horns", left the highest moun-
tain'Cerro Paine Grade (9'462ft. [2'884m])
813  The llama-related Guanacos (Lama
guanicoe) in front of the three granite towers
("Towers of Paine") of the Torres del Paine
National Park (~8'200ft. [~2'500m] high)
814  The pampa – the flat grassland –
with its warm shade of colors extend
to the snow covered peaks of Torres
del Paine National Park




815  Drifting ice, broken off from glaciers
at the northern end in the >9mi [>15km]
long Lago Grey in Torres del Paine
National Park; 32mi [52km] north
of Serrano entrance station
816  Liliana with the background of the
3 granite towers ("Towers of Paine") in
the Torres del Paine National Park;
Serrano entrance 33mi [53km] north
of Puerto Natales
817  The Milodón cave, 660ft. [200m]
long, is known for its rock formations like
“Devil’s Chair”. It lies 16½mi [26½km]
northwest of Puerto Natales along the
road Y-290
818  The Salar de Maricunga on an
altitude of 12'303ft. [3'750m] is a large
salt flat in the Atacama region of
Northern Chile and lies 62mi [100km]
before San Francisco Pass
819  The volcano Ojos de Salado with its
height of 22'615ft. [6893m] is the highest
volcano in the world, but after the 22'837ft.
[6'961m] Argentinean Aconcagua "only" the
second highest mountain in South America
820  A jewel of the Andes: Laguna
Verde lies in Chile on 14'200ft. [4'328m]
altitude, 11mi [18km] before the 15'505ft.
[4'726m] high San Francisco Pass,
the border to Argentina
Impressive steam blowouts at different times of the day in the geyser field of “El Tatio” in the Antofagasta Province of northern
Chile on 14’173ft. [4’320m] altitude. It is located 50mi [80 km] north of San Pedro de Atacama and 62mi [100km] east of Calama
and is the third-largest geyser field in the world and the largest in South America. On 6/3/1987 we spent the night there completely
alone; there were no parking lot, no concrete walls, no stone-lined and fenced-in footways, no places and hot water pools, no stone
shacks – only pure nature – what a difference!




824  Liliana marvels at the play of colors
of the bizarre moonscape at “El Valle de la
Luna” (Valley of the Moon) in the Atacama
Desert, 8mi [13km] west of San Pedro de
Atacama …..
825  ….. the distinctive stone and sand
formations have been carved by eternal
wind and water. In the background to the
left the 19'623ft. [5'981m] high volcano
Sairecabur at the Bolivia border …..
826  ….. the Atacama desert is considered
one of the driest places on earth; it's said
that some places haven't received a single
drop of rain in hundreds of years




On the place of the cemetery of the former saltpeter mine "Oficina Salitrera Francisco
Puelma" in La Chimba, 8mi [13km] north of Antofagasta, there is today a residential area
827  The long abandoned cemetery of the
saltpeter mining town “Oficina Puelma” in
northern Chile, which had its heyday
between 1907 and1932 until a synthetic
alternative to saltpeter was discovered …..
828  ….. coffins with remains of those
buried within lie exposed. Due to the
hot and dry climate of the Atacama
Desert mummies are still well preserved
829  Adapted to the colors of nature:
The church San Jerónimo in Poconchile,
23½mi [38km] east of Arica on the way to
Lauca Pass and Bolivia in northern Chile
(Oct. 2017 the church was white)




830  The offshore natural 141ft. [43m]
tall arch “La Portada” at the Pacific Coast
is also home to seagulls and pelicans and
is the landmark of the 13mi [21km] more
southerly situated port town of
Antofagasta in northern Chile
831  Altar along the Panamericana
in the Atacama desert decorated with
car number plates
832  Fishing boats off La Rinconada
beach 20mi [32km] north of Antofagasta,
which attract multitudes of pelicans. In
the background Cerro Moreno
833  A (still) shaved Emil in front of the
spectacular scenery of the 20’161ft.
[6’145m] high San Pedro volcano north of
Calama. It is a composite volcano that forms
a twin volcano with San Pablo (19'987ft.
[6'092m]) 3½mi [6km] further northeast
834  The Cotacotani lagoons within
the volcanically active Lauca National
Park on an altitude of 14'747ft. [4'495m],
separated by rows of rocky blocks
835  Northern Chile’s highlands: Grazing
llamas in front of the snow covered
Payachata twin volcanos. Parinacota
(right=south 6'348m [20'827ft.]) and
Pomerape (left=north 6'282m [20'610ft.])
– viewed from Lauca National Park
Next website from southern South America:
Argentina Part 1 – from the Chile border at Los Antiguos to Luján de Cuyo near Mendoza February 7th to March 13th, 2019
The African trip 2013-16:
CapeVerde: Santiago/Praia part 1 – November18th to December 13th, 2013
CapeVerde: Fogo – Dezember13th to 23rd, 2013
CapeVerde: Brava – December 23rd to 26th, 2013
Cape Verde: Santiago/Praia part 2 – December 26th, 2013 to February 28th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Nicolau – February 28th to March 13th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 1 – March 13th to 20th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Eastern side part 1 – March 20th to April 7th, 2014
Cape Verde: Santo Antão/Western side part 2April 7th to 10th, 2014
Cape Verde: São Vicente/Mindelo part 2April 10th to 29th, 2014
Namibia Part 1 from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
Angola Part 1 September 26th to October 4th, 2014
Angola Part 2 October 4th to 22nd, 2014
Namibia Part 2 from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
South Africa Part 1 from Namibia border to Capetown January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
3rd Major Repair of our LandCruiser FJ60 - 1982  (due to two broken sideshafts)
South Africa Part 2 from Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park February 24th to March 13th, 2015
South Africa Part 3 from Addo National Park to the Lesotho border March 13th to April 7th, 2015
Lesotho April 7th to 15th, 2015
South Africa Part 4 from the Lesotho to the Swaziland border April 15th to 23rd, 2015
Swaziland April 23rd to 28th, 2015
South Africa Part 5 from the Swaziland to the Botswana border  April 28th to May 15th, 2015
Armed Robbery in Malawi on July 31st/August 1st, 2015
Ethiopia Part 1 – from Kenya to Djibouti October 25th to November 18th, 2015
Djibouti October 18th to 27th, 2015
Ethiopia Part 2   from Djibouti to Sudan November 27th to December 9th, 2015
Sudan December 9th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016
The continuation in Asia 2016-18:
Saudi Arabia January 9th to 12th, 2016
United Arab Emirates January 12th to April 10th, 2016
Iran April 11th to May 6th, 2016
Turkmenistan May 6th to 10th, 2016
Uzbekistan May 10th to 31st, 2016
Tajikistan Part 1 from Uzbekistan border to Dushanbe May 31st to June 18th, 2016
Tajikistan Part 2 from Dushanbe to the Kyrgyzstan border June 19th to 27th, 2016
Kyrgyzstan June 27th to August 9th, 2016
Kazakhstan – August 9th to 21st, 2016
Russia Part 2a – from Tretyakovo at Kazakhstan border via Lake Teletskoye to Gorno Altaysk August 21st to September 26th, 2016
Russia Part 2b from Gorno Altaysk to the Mongolia border and back to the Ukraine border at Krupets Sept. 26th to Nov. 11th, 2016
Ukraine Part 3November 11th to December 8th, 2016
3rd Rejuvenation of our LandCruiser FJ60/1982 in Miri/Sarawak/East Malaysia from 2/6 to 5/3/2017
Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi Part 1 – Miri - Kuching/Sarawak/Malaysia - Balikpapan/Kalimantan, by ferry to Sulawesi
North-Sulawesi Part 2 – Tomohon and surroundings to Tangkoko NP and onwards to Bitung with ferry to Ternate on North Moluccas
North-Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate and Tidore and onwards by ferry to  Sofifi on Halmahera on North Moluccas
North-Moluccas Part 2 – Halmahera and onwards by ferry to Sorong in West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya) on western Bird's Head Peninsula
West Papua (Irian Jaya) Part 1 – Sorong, ‚Trans Papua Road’ and onwards by ferry to Seram in Moluccas (Central)
Moluccas (Central) Part 1 – Seram and onwards by ferry to Ambon in Moluccas
Moluccas (Central) Part 2 – Ambon and onwards by ferry to Serui on Yapen in Papua
Papua Part 1 – Yapen and onwards by ferry to Biak in Papua
Papua Part 2 – Biak and onwards by ferry to Manokwari in West Papua Part 2 (Irian Jaya) on eastern Bird's Head Peninsula
West Papua (Irian Jaya) Part 2Manokwari, ‚Trans Papua Road’ and onwards by ferry to Makassar in South Sulawesi
South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak Part 2 – Makassar South Sulawesi by ferry to Batulicin/South Kalimantan, Kuching - Miri in Sarawak
Continuation of 3rd Rejuvenation of our LandCruiser FJ60/1982 in Miri/Sarawak/East Malaysia from 7/16 to 9/22/2018