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(+ new Pictures)
Picture Galleries:
North America
South America
(Indian Ocean)
Southeast Asia
(Far East)



in Deutsch



News June 2016              (Osh/Kyrgyzstan, 6/30/2016)
Website statistics:   'Webalizer' has been shut down in February 2013. 'Google-Analytics' is now the current counter.
                        'Google-Analytics' showed 17'894 pageviews during June 2016. The visitors came from 235 countries!
                        ('Google-Analytics': May = 18'496 pageviews / April = 24'154 pageviews)
                        'Logaholic' shows now the following figures in June 2016: 18'099 visits / 82'429 pages
                   ('Logaholic' May = 18'894 visits / 92'743 pages; April = 18'986 visits / 81'540 pages)
                                  Record day since 12/17/1998 = the birthday of our website: on 11/5/2007 = 13'407 visitors and 787'456 hits ('Webalizer')
Tajikistan "our" 186th country was a country of extremes: Mountainous land with peaks up to 24'590 ft. [7'495 m] ('Peak
Kommunismus' today 'Pik Ismoil Somoni'), of unbelievable beauty and incredibly bad roads (Pamir Highway M41). The
landlocked country, sizing 55'251 sq.mi. [143,100 km²], with about 8.6 million people, was part of the former Soviet Union (Tajik
SSR) until 9/9/1991. More than half of the terrain lies above 10'000 ft. [3'000m] (avg. = 10'453 ft. [Ø 3'186m]), particularly the
autonomous province of 'Gorno-Badakhshan' with the Pamir Mountains and its high altitude passes that represent 45% of the
entire territory, but only 2.6% of the total population. But it was exactly there where the beauty and the excitement of the challenge
lured, besides the two likewise worthwhile side trips in the northern province of Sughd to the Seven Lakes (Haft-Kul) and to
Iskanderkul(-Lake) within the Fan Mountains, called also Zerafshan Range.
After we enjoyed the last-mentioned highlights, our LandCruiser started to create problems. It was not only that the engine ran out
of round, but also the carburetor overheated at the slightest slope. Backfiring from the exhaust indicated the generating of gas
bubbles within the carburetor although the water temperature looked normal. This ongoing stalling and stopping became especially
hair-raising before the 16'535 ft. [5'040m] long, unlit, unventilated and rather narrow 'Anzob Tunnel' located at around 8'850 ft.
[2'700m] altitude. Before 2006, the mountain pass itself had a reputation as one of "the world's most spectacular roads - but
dangerous", and the new tunnel was rated as "the world's most dangerous tunnel". While the mountain saddle became dilapidated,
the tunnel got some repairs done in 2015: The water within the tunnel was drained on both sides by deep and unprotected concrete
trenches (woe! if steering a bit too much to the right due to an approaching, not dipped truck headlight!), the deep potholes got
somewhat refilled and pinging steel bars removed.
Well we made it through the tunnel without any incident (having a flat tire was anyway unthinkable!). Afterwards began the decline
of nearly 6'550 ft. [2'000m] towards Dushanbe (pop. 780'000 on an altitude of 2'600 ft. [800m]), the capital of Tajikistan.
However, during the evening rush hour and in the middle of the market place, our LandCruiser stopped again. Assisting hands
helped to push us aside with others starting a honking fest. We restarted for the umpteenth time to cool the carburetor by pouring
water over it and to suck in gasoline with the mouth. To make it short: We visited two workshops without success (Emil had to
repair their "repairs" in both cases shortly after), we removed the winch to let more air flowing into the engine compartment,
dismantled and cleaned partly the carburetor, mounted new gasoline pumps and fiddled with the gasoline filters to no avail.
In the meantime the 14-day car permit for Tajikistan, issued at the border, expired. Why the visa remains 30 days valid, while the
vehicle is allowed only 14 days, is completely unclear. Even with support from the Swiss Consular Agency, an extension was simply
not possible the only alternative proposal was to leave the country immediately! In defiance of the impending daily US$50-fine
exceeding June 14th, four days later we headed in direction Pamir, i.e. the autonomous province of 'Gorno-Badakhshan'. The road
was reasonable until Kulob. Climbing up the next pass, the road condition worsened with potholes and broken tar. That's when
our Toyota restarted with its well-known troubles. On the summit at Shuorabad begins a very painful, about 15 miles [25km] long
construction site. It's unbelievable that the huge 40-ton trucks with four axles, towing in the back a trailer with another four axles,
originating in China and crossing the whole Pamir, are able to manage these passages. After 45 miles [73km] of very new and
smooth tar, shortly before Kaleikhum, the "never ending road tragedy" restarts: Potholes, washouts, breakups, rocks, corrugation,
fesh-fesh (powder dust) and many more "surprises". The driver is constantly working to bypass the ugliest obstacles, while the
co-driver can enjoy and marvel at the really beautiful scenery with plenty gorges along the river Panj and the Afghan border. It's
not only magnificent but also wild, harsh and unique. After 270 miles [435km] we reached Khorog (pop. ~30'000, altitude 7'200 ft.
[2'200m]), the capital of the GBAO-Province Badakhshan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast).
We left the nice Pamir-Lodge in Khorog (where it's possible to camp in its garden) after three days with a moderate result of repair
success. While many travelers choose the "southern route" through the Wakhan Corridor" that continues furthermore along the river
Panj and the Afghanistan border (approx. 60 miles [100km] longer and also in a miserable shape), we head off on the M41 in
direction of the 14'016 ft. [4'272m] high Koy-Tezek-Pass. In Jelandy, before the rutted mountain pass, are hot springs, where it's
possible to camp or rent a very cheap room. It was the place where we experienced on an altitude of 11'640 ft. [3'540m] for the
first time freeze. Murgab in the east of Badakhshan looks in every respect very Kirghizian. This somewhat odd place on an altitude
of 12'000 ft. [3'650m], where around 4000 to 5000 people live, doesn't have (yet) electricity, however some "frontier spirit". Fuel
is traded in buckets, jerrycans and with funnels. The Chinese heavy goods traffic is separated here from the "rest" it's heading
directly via the Kulma Pass to the 'Karakorum-Highway', while the Pamir-Highway starts with the ascent to the 15'272 ft. [4'655m]
high Akbaytal Pass. Soon afterwards, on an altitude of 12'840 ft. [3'914m], the beautiful blue Karakul(-Lake) follows with a steady
wind and a gorgeous view, ideal to camp albeit a bit chilly.
Then June 27th, 2016, arrived, the day when our visa ended and the car's permit was already 13 days expired. Before we reached
the border crossing on 14'320 ft. [4'366m], we got into a scurry of snow and the snow already started to stick on the ground. Our
last contact with snow might be back in Turkey at the end of January 1999. Then came the surprise: We escaped scot-free from
Tajikistan we do not know the reason:  Either the expiry date of the vehicle permit has been simply overlooked (because it was
still very early in the morning); or there are different instructions because of this silly restriction; or as somebody wrote us from
Tajikistan: The Tajiks honor the elderly 74-year old Pamir travelers with an own car are very rare and therefore something special;
hence turning a blind eye on an overstay isn't a bad thing! After a further 28 miles [46km] of bad road surface we reached in Sary
Tash on 10'400 ft. [3'170m] the "super-paved-road" with another beautiful view back to the Pamir Mountains. The following
morning we hit that "race course" to Osh. Arriving at the Taldyk Pass, 11'860 ft. [3'615m] in beautiful weather and spotting the
snowy Peak Lenin, 23'405 ft. [7'134m] "waving" good-bye in the distance, we almost felt sad about leaving rough and challenging
Tajikistan, especially Badakhshan, but felt also a bit proud to have it managed in our age with a 34-year old LandCruiser.
                                                               Tajikistan/Pamir (Badakhshan): Once more overheated - along the Pamir Highway
Now, what's next? Firstly we try to make our LandCruiser get going. Thereby a Swiss motorbike specialist in Osh (who knows
also a lot about cars) will help us. Will it work out, we shall drive the ~370 miles [~600km] to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan's capital,
where we shall get our new, 11th passports (all former are brimful with stamps and visas). Where and how long we shall spend
time in Kyrgyzstan will be decided only then, because we visited this country it was our 75th already extensively in June 1995.
It's Mongolia that is calling as next winter time will hit it very early.

New Reports/Pictures
                                                                mouse over picture shows comments
                                                                                    click a picture to see details
2 Picture Galleries
(May 31st-June 27th, 2016)
Tajikistan/Pamir Highland: Between Jelandy and Koy-Tezek pass
Part 1: May 31st to June 18th, 2016
                 (Uzbekistan border - Dushanbe)
Part 2: June 18th to 27th, 2016
                 (Dushanbe - Kyrgyzstan border)


1 Picture Gallery
(May 10th-31st, 2016)
Uzbekistan/Samarkand: Registan
1 Picture Gallery
  • (May 6th-10th, 2016)
  • Turkmenistan/Darvaza: Gas crater in the Karakum desert
  • Saudi Arabia
    1 Picture Gallery
    (Jan. 9th-12th, 2016)
    Saudi Arabia/Haradh: Black camels (Dromedaries)
    1 Picture Gallery
    (Dec. 9th, 2015-Jan. 8th, 2016)
    Sudan/Meroë (Bagrawiyah): Pyramid-shaped tombs about 125 miles [200km] northeast of Khartoum
    1 Picture Gallery
    (Nov. 18th-27th, 2015)
    Djibouti/Tadjoura: In the background the 5'740 ft. [1'750m] high Goda Mountains
    2 Picture Galleries
    (Oct.25th-Nov. 18th, 2015)
    (Nov. 27th-Dec. 9th, 2015)
    Ethiopia/Lalibela: 'Bete Giyorgis' rock-hewn church
    Part 1: October 25th to November 18th, 2015
                     (Kenya border - Djibouti border)
    Part 2: November27th to December 9th, 2015
                     (Djibouti border - Sudan border)
    1 Picture Gallery
    (Sept. 7th-Oct. 25th, 2015)
    Kenya/Naro Moru: Stormy atmosphere on the way to the Equator at Nanyuki
    1 Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 18th-Sept. 7th, 2015)
    Tanzania/Moshi: Fruit market along the main road to Arusha
    1 Picture Gallery
    1 Report
    (July 20th-Aug. 18th, 2015)
    Armed Robbery
    in Malawi on July 31st/August 1st, 2015
    Malawi/Nkhotakota: Armed Robbery in Malawi on July 31st/August 1st, 2015 on the campsite of the Safari Beach Lodge
    1 Picture Gallery
    (July 6th-20th, 2015)
    Mozambique/Songo: Cahora Bassa Dam and Zambezi River
    1 Picture Gallery
    (June 8th-July 6th, 2015)
    Simbabwe/Marondera: Balancing granite rocks
    1 Picture Gallery
    (May 15th-June 8th, 2015)
    Botswana/Central Kalahari: Kubu-Island (Lekhubu) at Sua Pan, part of the Makgadikgadi Pans
    1 Picture Gallery
    (April 23rd-28th, 2015)
    Swasiland/Smokey Mountains: Zersiedelte Landschaft im Komati-Tal, unweit des Maguga Dams
    Picture Gallery
    (April 7th-15th, 2015)
    Lesotho/Blue Mountain Pass: Shepherd with typical Basotho hat (Mokorotlo)
    South Africa
    3 Picture Galleries
    1 Report
    (January-April 7th, 2015)
    (April 15th-23rd, 2015)
    (April 28th-May 15th, 2015)
    Part 1; January 22nd to February 23rd, 2015
    Namibia border to Capetown
    Part 2: February 24th to March 13th, 2015
    Capetown to Tsitsikamma National Park
    Part 3: March 13th to April 7th, 2015
    Addo National Park to the Lesotho border
    3rd Major Repair
    of our LandCruiser (due to two broken side shafts)
    South Africa/Paarl: Manor House of the Laborie Winery
    2 Picture Galleries
    1 Report
    (Sept.-Oct. 2014)
    Angola/Leba Pass: 6'053 ft. high pass between Lubango and Namibe
    Part 1: September 26th to October 4th, 2014
    Part 2: October 4th to 22nd, 2014
    30th Anniversary of being on the road
    2 Picture Galleries
    (July-Sept. 2014)
    (Oct. 2014-Jan. 2015)
    Namibia Part 1: from Walvis Bay to Windhoek
    Namibia Part 2: :from Windhoek to the Angolan border, back again and on to South Africa
    Namibia/Walvis Bay: Dune No. 7
    Cape Verde
    1 Picture Report
    6 Picture Galleries
    (Nov. 2013-May 2014)
    Cape Verde: Girl from Praia
    Island of Santiago (Report)
    Island of Fogo
    Island of Brava
    Island of São Nicolau
    Island of São Vicente
    Island of Santo Antão Part 1 Eastern Side
    Island of Santo Antão Part 2 Western side
    Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 22 - Sept. 1, 2013)
    Transnistria: Lenin in front of the parliament building
    Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 21/22, 2013)
    (Sept. 1 - 4, 2013)
    Moldova: Trebujeni - a typical Moldovan village near Orheiul Vechi
    Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 17 - 21, 2013)
    (Sept. 4 - 22, 2013)
    Ukraine: Roksolany along Dniestr-Liman: The churches with its 'golden' domes can be seen everywhere
    Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 5 - 13, 2013)
    Abkhazia: Pebble beach of Sukhumi
    Picture Gallery
    (July 9 - 17, 2013)
    Nagorno-Karabakh/Stepanakert: The Monument 'Tatik u Papik'
    2 Picture Galleries
    (July 2 - 9, 2013)
    (July 17 - 22, 2013)
    Armenia: Haghpat Monastery near Alaverdi in the North
    Armenia part 1
    (from the Georgia border at Bagratashen
    to the Nagorno-Karabakh border near Goris)
    Armenia part 2
    (from the Nagorno-Karabakh border near Goris
    to the Georgia border near Gyumri)
    Picture Gallery
    (June 13 - 24, 2013)
    Azerbaijan: Baku: Flame Towers
    3 Picture Galleries
    (June 4 - 13, 2013)
    (June 24 - July 2, 2013)
    (July 22 - Aug. 5, 2013)
    (Aug. 13 - 15, 2013)
    Georgia: Mtskheta and the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
    Georgia part 1
    (from the Turkish border at Sarpi
    to the Azerbaijani border near Lagodekhi)
    Georgia part 2
    (Tbilisi + from the Armenian border at Ninotsminda
    via Kazbegi, Kutaisi to Zugdidi before Svaneti)
    Georgia part 3
    (Svaneti + Ferry to the Ukraine)
    Picture Gallery
    (May 28, - June 4, 2013)
    Turkey/Southeast-Anatolia: Kurdish Village Soguksu with Volcano Tendürek
    3 Picture Galleries
    (May 2013)
    Iran: Picture of Ayatollah Khomeini in the Nasir-al-Molk Mosque in Shiraz
    Iran part 1
    (Ferry Port Bandar Abbas-Shiraz-Persepolis-Pasargad)
    Iran part 2
    (Pasargad (excl.)-Yazd-Esfahan)
    Iran part 3
    (Esfahan (excl.)-Chelgerd-Hamadan-Sanandaj-Orumiyeh)
    5 Picture Galleries
    (Jan. 28, - March 29, 2013)
    Part 2: Sohar-Muskat-Rustaq-Nizwa
    Part 3: Sur-East Coast-Isl.of Masirah-Dhofar
    Part 4: South: Salalah & Srndg. (Dhofar)-Nizwa
    Part 5: Western Hajar Mountains
    Oman/Musandam: View to the bay Khor an-Najd, southeast of Khasab
    2nd Rejuvenation
    Picture Gallery
    (Bodywork: Aug.-Oct. 2012)

    Miri/Sarawak/Malaysia: Dismantling the roof rack on the occasion of the second "rejuvenation"

    Report of the second overhaul of 
    our LandCruiser in Miri/Sarawak
    - the East Malaysian province
    on the island of Borneo
    3 Picture Galleries
    (Dec. 2011 - May 2012)
    (Saint-Denis & surroundings-West Coast-Salazie-
    La Paix-North Coast-Takamaka-Dos d'Âne)
    Réunion part 2
    (Les Makes-La Fenêtre-Saint Louis-East Coast-
    The Volcano-Grande Anse)
    Réunion part 3
    Cilaos-Grande Anse-Le Maïdo-Saint Pierre
    Réunion: View from Cap Noir/Dos d'Âne (near La Possession) into the Cirque de Mafate
    4 Picture Reports
    (Sept.  - Dec. 2011)
    Madagascar/Morondava: 27 years 'on the road', here in the 'Allée des Baobabs'
    Madagascar part 1
    Madagascar part 2
    Madagascar part 3
    (Ambalavao-Isalo N.P.-Tuléar-Ranomafana)
    Madagascar part 4
    3 Picture Reports
    (July - Sept. 2011)
    Mauritius 1             (with car)
    Mauritius 2                (with car)
    Rodrigues Island    (without car)
    Mauritius: Typical steep mountains rising from the sugar cane fields
    Sri Lanka
    3 Picture Reports
    (March - May 2011)
    Sri Lanka/Dambulla: Buddha in the Golden Temple resp. Cave Temple
    Sri Lank part 1
    Sri Lank part 2
    Sri Lank part 3
    United Arab Emirates
    3 Picture Galleries:  (with car)
    (Nov. 20th, 2012 to Apr. 29th 2013)
    (Jan. 12th, 2016 to .....)
    1 Picture Gallery:  (w/o car)
    (Feb. 19th, to 27th, 2011)
    1 Picture Report  (with car)
    (February - May 1999)
    UAE: 3rd Visit part 3   (with car)
    UAE: 3rd Visit part 2   (with car)
    UAE: 3rd Visit part 1   (with car)
    UAE: 2nd Visit (Dubai-Sharjah) (without car)
    UAE: 1st Visit   (with car)
    United Arab Emirates: Souk of Sharjah
    3 Picture Reports (w/o car)
    (Feb. 9th, to 19th, 2011)
    1 Picture Galleriy  (with car)
    (May-June 1996)
    Dicksam Plateau/Socotra Island/Yemen: Forest of Dragon Blood Trees
    Island of Socotra East      (w/o car)
    Island of Socotra South    (w/o car)
    Island of Socotra West     (w/o car)
    Pictures from Yemen Trip (with car)
    Papua New Guinea
    5 Picture Reports
    (Aug.  - Oct. 2010)
    1) Milne Bay - (Port Moresby)
                    - Mt. Hagen - Lae
    2) Mt.Hagen Cultural Show 8/13-15/2010
    3) Lae – Madang – Goroka
    4) Goroka Cultural Show 9/17-19/2010
    5) Goroka - Mt. Hagen - Kumul Pass
                    - Mt. Hagen - Goroka - Lae
    Mount Hagen/Papua New Guinea: Huli Wigman from the Southern Highlands at the Mount Hagen Cultural Show 2010
    Indonesia 2010
    3 Picture Reports
    (March  - June 2010)
    Medan/Sumatra/Indonesia: Indonesian Serenity
    North Sumatra  Report  (March-April 2010)
    West-Sumatra  Report    (May-June 2010)
    Southern Sumatra  Report    (June 2010)
    Picture Report
    (Nov. 2009 - Jan. 2010)
    Tongatapu Island Nuku'alofa/Tongatapu/Tonga: Royal Palace
    French Polynesia
    3 Picture Reports
    (Aug. -Oct.  2009)
    Tahiti/French Polynesia: One type of Tahiti's main flower with many names - Frangipani, Plumeria, Tiare
    Tahiti 1st part  Picture Report  (Aug.-Sept. 2009)
    Tahiti 2nd part Picture Report  (Oct. 2009)
    Moorea Picture Report   (Sept. 2009)
    Cook Islands (without car)
    Picture Gallery
    (Aug. 2009)
    Rarotonga Island Cook Islands/Rarotonga: Beauty from the South Pacific
    American Samoa
    Picture Gallery
    (July 2009)
    American Samoa: View from Pago Pago towards the 1'718ft. high Rainmaker Mountain (Pioa Mountain)
    4 Picture Reports:
    (April-June 2009)
    Island of Upolu: 1st part
    Island of Upolu: 2nd part
    Independence Day  June 1st, 2009
    Island of Savaii
    Apia/Samoa: Coat of Arms of Samoa in front of the Government Office Building
    3 Picture Galleries:
    (Jan.-March 2009)
    Suva/Fiji: Guard at the Parliament House
    1st part: Island of Viti Levu (Jan.+Febr. 2009)
    2nd part: Island of Vanua Levu (March 2009)
    3rd part: Island of Taveuni (March 2009)
    2 Picture Galleries:
    (1st visit: July 2008)
    (2nd visit: Dec. 2008-Jan. 2009)
    Vanuatu 1st visit (without car)
    Vanuatu 2nd visit (with car)
    Vanuatu: Boeing 737-800 of Air Vanuatu at the airport of Port Vila
    New Caledonia
    3 Picture Galleries:
    (Aug.-Oct. 2008)
    New Caledonia: Nouméa and the St. Joseph Cathedral
    1st part: Grand Terre: Nouméa + South (Aug.2008)
    2nd part: Grand Terre: North #1 (Aug.+Sept. 2008)
    3rd part: Grand Terre: North #2 (Sept.+Oct. 2008)
    New Zealand
    6 Picture Galleries:
    (South Island: Febr.-May 2008)
    (North Island: May-July 2008)
    1st part: South Island (Febr.+March 2008)
    2nd part: South Island (March 2008)
    3rd part: South Island (April 2008)
    4th part: South to North Island (May 2008)
    5th part: North Island (May+June 2008)
    6th part: North Island (June+July 2008)
    New Zealand: South Island - typically
    1 Picture Gallery:
    3 Picture Reports:
    (1st visit: Febr. 2008)
    (2nd visit: Nov. 2010-Jan. 2011)

    Philippines: Ricefields near Sagada/Mountain Province/Northern Luzon

    Philippines 1st visit (without car Febr. 2008)
    Philippines 2nd visit (with car):
    Luzon (South)-Mindoro-Panay  (Nov.-Dec. 2010)
    Negros-Cebu  (Dec. 2010-Jan. 2011)
    Bohol-Luzon (South)  (Jan. 2011)
    3 Picture Reports:
    (Oct.- Nov. 2007)
    1st part: Kaohsiung-Kenting-Taitung
    2nd part: Taitung-Southern Cross-
    Island Hwy-Siraya NSA (Zengwun Reservoir)-Alishan-Sun Moon Lake -Taroko-Suao-
    Hualien Hwy-Taipei
    3rd part: Taipei-Taitung-Kaohsiung
    Kaohsiung/Taiwan: God of War at Lotus Pond
    Timor-Leste (East Timor)
    2 Picture Reports:
    (May 2007)

    Oecussi/Timor-Leste: Landscape East of Oecussi-'Town'

    Exclave of Oecussi
    Indonesia 2006/07
    1 Report + 6 Picture Galleries:
    (Sumatra-Java: Sept.-Dec. 2006)
    (Bali: Jan.-March 2007)
    (Lombok, Sumabawa, Flores: April 2007)
    (Sumba, West Timor: May+June 2007)
    (Sulawesi:June+July 2007)
    (Tana Toraja (-Land): June+July 2007)
    (Kalimantan: July 2007)
    Sumatra-Java    (= Report)
    Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores
    Sumba, West Timor
    Tana Toraja (Toraja-Land)
    Ke'te Kesu near Rantepao/Sulawesi/Indonesia: Traditional Toraja village
    Picture Report
    (Sept. 2006)
    Brunei (Borneo): ’The 'Ali Saifuddien'-Mosque at sunset in Bandar Seri Begawan
    3 Picture Reports:
    (Sarawak: 1st visit: June-Aug. 2006)
    (Sabah: Oct. 2006)
    (Sarawak: 2nd visit: Nov. 2006)
    Picture Gallery:
    (Borneo-Trip: Sept.-Nov. 2006)
    Sarawak part 1 Northeast (Miri)
    Sarawak part 2 South (Kuching)
    Borneo (Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak, Kalimantan)
    Sepilok near Sandakan/Sabah/East-Malaysia (Borneo): Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center
    1st Rejuvenation
    Picture Report
    (Engine/Body: June-Aug. 2006)
    (Transmission: Sept. 2007)

    Miri/Sarawak/East-Malaysia (Borneo): Overhaul of our LandCruiser in 'Full Swing'

    Report of the first overhaul of 
    our LandCruiser in Miri/Sarawak
    - the East Malaysian province
    on the island of Borneo
    Myanmar (South) (without car)
    Picture Report
    (May 2006)
    Myanmar: Waiting for customers in Kawthoung
    2 Picture Galleries:
    (1st visit: Nov. 1993 - Jan. 1994)
    (2nd visit: Nov. - Dec. 2005)
    (3rd visit: Febr. - April 2006)
    Thailand: Ho Phra I-Suan Temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat
    Temples, Pagodas, Shrines

    People, Beaches, Nature

    Picture Report
    (February 2006)

    Laos: The ’Patuxai’, the Laotian replica of the French ’Arc de Triomphe’ in Paris

    Picture Report
    (January 2006)
    Vietnam: Two women cultivating a rice field
    Picture Report
    (December 2005)

    Cambodia: The main temple of Angkor Wat with its five towers viewed from the hill of the ’Phnom Bakheng’ - Temple

    Malaysia (West)
    Picture Report
    (Oct. - Nov. 2005)
    (May 2006)
    Malaysia: The four minarets of the ’Sultan Salahuddin’ State Mosque in Shah Alam are visible already from far
    Picture Gallery
    (September 2005)

    Singapore: Merlion - the Land- and Trademark of the Lion City

    Macao   (without car)
    Picture Gallery
    (September 2005)

    Macao: The ’St. Paul’ ruin is an inspiring sight also at night

    Hong Kong
    2 Picture Galleries:
    (1st visit: September 2005)
    (2nd visit: Dec. 2007-Jan. 2008)


    Hong Kong 1st visit (without car)
    Hong Kong 2nd visit (with car)
    Hong Kong: From ’Hong Kong Peak’ we get an excellent view of the ’skyscraper jungle’
    The visit of 6 countries with and 1 island without our LandCruiser Middle East
    The visit of 10 countries with and 1 without our LandCruiser Southeast Asia
    The visit of 4 countries with and 1 islandl without our LandCruiser Indian Ocean
    The visit of 4 countries with and 1 without our LandCruiser Far East
    The visit of 14 Pacific Islands with and 1 without our LandCruiser

    Pacific (Febr. 2008-Jan. 2010 + Aug.-Sept. 2010)

    The visit of 13 Caribbean Islands with our LandCruiser

    Caribbean (June 2003-Dec. 2004)

    + added from the United Arab Emirates:

    Fairytale Wedding in Dubai   (March 1999)

    + added from a earlier visit to the USA:

    Las Vegas  (Millennium change)

    + added from our Arabian Peninsula round trip:

    Pictures from Yemen (May-June 1996)

    + Flashbacks of our Worldrecordtour:

    Pictures from "all the continents" (Oct. 1984 - April 1997)

    + Follow-ups about Toyota-Experiences:
    Encounters resp. "Ups + Downs" with
    Toyota Companies since 1982
    On July 7th, 2005, we were able to celebrate after a journey through 150 countries the car's
    600'000th Kilometer - very prosaic in front of the post office in Cayenne/French Guiana.
    On June 10th, 2009, we were able to celebrate after a journey through 163 countries the car's
    400'000th Mile - in a beautiful landscape in the West of the island of Savaii/Samoa.
    Are you interested into the LandCruiser History, prepared by Toyota Motor Sales USA and taken over by
    Toyota Motor United Kingdom? (after some loading-time please klick "IN LEGEND" and afterwards "HAIR TO MAGELLAN"


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